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Activity 12.1 Definition of a Friend
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Directions: In thinking about your own friendships, what "rules of friendship" are most important to you? Below is a list of the most important friendship rules identified in an important study by two British researchers, Argyle and Henderson (1984) - see your text on page 118 for more information on this study. Select the three rules that are most important to you from this list, and then compare your responses with those of other students taking this poll.

Source: Argyle and Henderson,1985

Females answer question 1, males question 2.

The Rules of Friendship


Which 3 rules are most important to you (females)?
A)Volunteer help in time of need.
B)Respect the friend's privacy.
C)Keep confidences.
D)Trust and confide in each other.
E)Stand up for the other person in their absence.
F)Don't criticize each other in public.
G)Show emotional support.
H)Look him/her in the eye during conversation.
I)Strive to make him/her happy while in each other's company.
J)Don't be jealous or critical of each other's relationships.
K)Be tolerant of each other's friends.
L)Share news of success with the other.
M)Ask for personal advice.
N)Don't nag.
O)Engage in joking or teasing with the friend.
P)Seek to repay debts and favors and compliments.
Q)Disclose personal feelings or problems to a friend.

Which 3 rules are most important to you (males)?
A)Volunteer help in time of need.
B)Respect the friend's privacy.
C)Keep confidences.
D)Trust and confide in each other.
E)Stand up for the other person in their absence.
F)Don't criticize each other in public.
G)Show emotional support.
H)Look him/her in the eye during conversation.
I)Strive to make him/her happy while in each other's company.
J)Don't be jealous or critical of each other's relationships.
K)Be tolerant of each other's friends.
L)Share news of success with the other.
M)Ask for personal advice.
N)Don't nag.
O)Engage in joking or teasing with the friend.
P)Seek to repay debts and favors and compliments.
Q)Disclose personal feelings or problems to a friend.

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