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Module Review
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The most elementary question in social psychology concerns how we are affected by the mere of other people. Some early experiments found that one's performance on simple arithmetic and verbal tasks when either observers or co-actors were present. It was found that this effect also occurred with animals. Other experiments found that the presence of others can one's performance.

Robert Zajonc reconciled the contradictory findings with a well-known principle from experimental psychology: Arousal facilitates responses. Subsequent research indicated that the presence of others boosts performance on tasks and hinders performance on tasks.

Being in a crowd intensifies people's normally or reactions. In dense situations we may be more responsive to people's reactions. Crowding also enhances and performance on complex tasks.

Experiments suggest that we are aroused by others partly as a result of apprehension and partly from a between paying attention to others and paying attention to the task. Other studies indicate that the presence of others can be even when the actor is not being evaluated or distracted.

A good theory offers clear that (1) help or modify the theory, (2) guide new exploration, and (3) suggest practical .

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