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Module Review
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James Stoner discovered that group discussion tended to risktaking. In seeking to explain the "risky shift," investigators discovered that discussion tends to whatever is the initially dominant point of view. They proposed a group phenomenon: Discussion typically the average inclination of group members.

Informational and normative influence explain why groups intensify . Group discussion elicits a pooling of persuasive which favor the dominant point of view. In addition, social with others reveals surprising support for one's initial inclination. To be perceived favorably, a person expresses stronger opinions.

A group's desire for can override its realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action. is most likely to occur when the group is cohesive, is from contrary viewpoints, and has a leader.

The symptoms of groupthink include (1) an of invulnerability, (2) unquestioned belief in the group's , (3) rationalization, (4) view of the opponent, (5) pressure to conform, (6) of misgivings, (7) an illusion of unanimity, and (8) " " who protect the group from unpleasant information.

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