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Multiple Choice Quiz
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In the 1950s, racial integration was accepted in Indiana steel mills and West Virginia coal mines. However, in the neighborhoods of those employed in the mills and mines, segregation was practiced. This is an example of how prejudice may be based in
B)the just world phenomenon

The in-group bias seems to occur more frequently among
A)females than among males
B)the young than among the old
C)people from individualistic cultures than among people from communal cultures
D)Blacks than among Whites

The most recent explanation which social psychologists have offered for prejudice emphasizes __________________ sources.

The tendency for more lynchings to occur in years when cotton prices were low was cited in the text as evidence for
A)the just world phenomenon
B)the ultimate attribution error
C)the scapegoat theory
D)psychoanalytic theory

Studies by Pettigrew of Whites in South Africa and the American south revealed that during the 1950s
A)prejudice had its basis in competition for housing and jobs
B)those who were prejudiced were authoritarian personalities
C)prejudice was based in displaced aggression
D)those who conformed most to other social norms were also most prejudiced

When college students were led to believe they scored relatively low on a creativity test and then were asked some evaluative questions about their own college or a rival college
A)they gave higher ratings to their own school and lower ratings to the rival school
B)they gave lower ratings to their own school and higher ratings to the rival school
C)they gave lower ratings to both schools
D)they gave higher ratings to both schools

Which of the following is particularly characteristic of the authoritarian personality?
A)being intolerant of weakness
B)experiencing a happy childhood
C)occupying a political office with considerable authority
D)being an only child

In contemporary Russia, those who have tended to support a return to Marxist-Lenin ideology score
A)low in self-esteem
B)high in authoritarianism
C)low in intelligence
D)high in external locus of control

The tendency for individuals to recognize more readily faces of their own racial group than faces of another racial group has been found true among
D)all of the above

According to the text, the authoritarian personality is an example of
A)how conformity supports prejudice
B)a cognitive source of prejudice
C)how emotional needs contribute to prejudice
D)how social inequalities breed prejudice

Students were told the actions of 50 men, 10 of whom had performed either nonviolent crimes or violent crimes. When later asked to make judgments about the men,
A)the subjects shown the list with the violent crimes most overestimated the number of criminal acts
B)the subjects shown the list with the nonviolent crimes most overestimated the number of criminal acts
C)the subjects judged all the men to be members of out-groups
D)male subjects made more accurate judgments about the number of criminal acts than did female subjects

According to Lerner, our need to believe in a just world often leads us to blame
B)supernatural forces
C)the social structure
D)the victim

Which of the following would you not expect to be true of the authoritarian personality?
A)To discriminate against native Americans
B)To have been harshly disciplined in childhood
C)To be submissive to those in power over them
D)To be opposed to capital punishment

The just world phenomenon may lead us to believe that an unemployed person is
A)a victim of discrimination
C)in need of sympathy
D)in need of a retraining program

John has just failed a chemistry test. He goes back to his apartment and criticizes his roommate's choice of music. What term best describes John's behavior?
A)institutionalized aggression
B)just world action
C)displaced aggression
D)authoritarian regression

The results of one social-psychological study indicated that observers who discovered that a fellow worker had received a large prize as the result of a random drawing subsequently concluded that he had in fact worked especially hard. This is an example of
A)vivid, anecdotal information being more important than base-rate data
B)disguised hostility
C)out-group bias
D)the just world phenomenon

The theory that prejudice arises from competition between groups for scarce resources is referred to as
A)realistic group conflict theory
B)just world theory
C)competitive resource theory
D)social dilemma theory

According to the scapegoat theory, prejudice is likely to result from
D)self-fulfilling prophecy

Research indicated that, compared to their interviews of White job applicants, Princeton University White men who interviewed Black job applicants
A)sat further away
B)ended the interview sooner
C)made 50 percent more speech errors
D)demonstrated all of the above

The finding that once we assign people to groups we are likely to exaggerate the similarities within the groups and the differences between them is referred to as
A)the just-world phenomenon
B)Gause's law
C)the outgroup homogeneity effect
D)fundamental attribution error

John Williams and Deborah Best suggest that if women provide most of the care to young children, it is reassuring for most people in society to
A)believe that women deserve equal pay for equal work
B)think that women are naturally nurturant
C)accept the stereotype that men are the best providers
D)think that human aggressiveness is instinctive

An important principle to remember in considering the social sources of prejudice is that _________________ breeds prejudice.
A)unequal status
C)equal opportunity
D)affirmative action

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