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Module Review
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When perceiving ourselves we are prone to the error of bias. There is a tendency to attribute our failures to factors and to accept for our successes.

We demonstrate an unrealistic about future life events. We tend to the commonality of our opinions and the commonality of our abilities.

Even can sometimes be understood as a strategy for protecting one's self-esteem. Then even if we , we can cling to a sense of competence.

This particular error has been explained in three ways. One explanation is that we seek to a positive image both to other people and to . Because modesty generally creates a good impression, people may display less than they privately feel.

Another view sees the bias as simply a by-product of the way we process . Still a third view explains the bias in terms of our motivation to protect and enhance our .

Without the bias, people with low self-esteem are more vulnerable to depression. At the same time people who others for their social difficulties are unhappy.

Myers Exploring Social PsychOnline Learning Center

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