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Multiple Choice Quiz
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For a school debate, Sally has been asked to argue in favor of capital punishment. Research on the fundamental attribution error suggests that observers of Sally's speech will conclude that her arguments
A)reflect her true attitude on the topic
B)reflect a tendency to present herself favorably
C)are weak because she was assigned to present a particular position on the topic
D)will lead her to experience cognitive dissonance

The tendency for observers to underestimate the impact of the situation and overestimate the impact of inner dispositions upon another's behavior is called
A)the self-serving bias
B)the false consensus bias
C)the fundamental attribution error
D)cognitive conceit

When subjects were told that a clinical psychology graduate student had been instructed to act in a friendly manner or in an aloof, critical manner, they judged
A)that the graduate student's aloof manner reflected her personality but the friendly behavior was due to the situation
B)that both the friendly and aloof behaviors reflected the student's true dispositions
C)both the friendly and aloof behaviors to have a situational cause
D)that the aloof behavior was due to the situation but the friendly behavior reflected her true disposition

The day after the 1988 presidential election most respondents attributed the outcome to
A)the robust economy
B)media coverage
C)the candidates' personal traits and positions
D)the international situation

People who come from cultures that are less individualistic than that of the United States are more likely to
A)offer situational explanations for someone's actions
B)offer dispositional explanations for someone's actions
C)engage in self-handicapping
D)offer self-serving explanations for their own behavior

There is a tendency to attribute the causes of ____________ behavior to the situation and to attribute the causes of _____________ behavior to traits.
A)females'; males'
B)others'; our own
C)childrens'; adults'
D)our own; others'

Our tendency to attribute others' behavior to their personal characteristics is reduced when we
A)view a videotape of the behavior recorded from their perspective
B)make judgments about criminal behavior
C)are high in self-efficacy
D)make judgments about academic performance

According to the text, the fundamental attribution error may lead us to
A)fail to hold people responsible for their misconduct
B)overestimate the brilliance of our teachers
C)be lenient with convicted criminals
D)do all of the above

You notice that Mary has missed class and you commit the fundamental attribution error by thinking,
A)Mary has been required to work overtime
B)Mary is lazy
C)Mary's friends stopped by her room unexpectedly
D)Mary has the flu

As a result of making the fundamental attribution error you might be likely to favor
A)increases in unemployment benefits
B)increases in international aid to poor countries
C)more severe penalties for criminal offenses
D)victim compensation laws

The fundamental attribution error is also called ___________ bias.

Research indicates that we see ourselves as more
A)variable than other people
B)depressed than other people
C)anxious than other people
D)hostile than other people

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