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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Research has indicated that when people are asked to record their daily moods and the factors that might influence them,
A)there is little relationship between their perception of how important a factor was and how well the factor predicted their mood
B)females have better insight into what affects their mood than do males
C)people have much better insight into what influences their own mood than what influences the mood of a friend
D)adults have better insight into what affects their mood than do children

When people are asked whether they would comply with demands to deliver cruel shocks or would be hesitant to help a victim if several other people were present,
A)they overwhelmingly deny their vulnerability to such influences
B)they admit they might be influenced but in their actual behavior are not
C)males deny they would be influenced, but females admit they would be
D)they accurately predict their future behavior on such significant matters

According to the textbook, the literature on human thought suggests caution in the use of research based on
A)naturalistic observation
B)the self-reports of subjects
C)laboratory experiments
D)field experiments

From the research presented on human thought, which of the following conclusions is valid?
A)psychologists really should not study human thought but only human behavior
B)the sincerity with which people report and interpret their experiences is no guarantee of the validity of these personal reports
C)ethical concerns prevent the social psychologist from promoting attitude change and thus really understanding the thought process
D)Freud was wrong in suggesting that our needs control our perceptions

Cases of blindsight in which patients report seeing nothing, yet guess correctly what is in their visual field, illustrate
A)automatic thinking
B)memory reconstruction
D)hindsight bias

Research on subliminal stimulation indicates that
A)commercial subliminal tapes are effective in promoting self-improvement
B)people are capable of processing information without any conscious awareness of doing so
C)people are incapable of automatic thinking
D)schemas guide our perceptions of experience

Prosopagnosia patients suffer damage to a brain area involved in
B)muscle movement
C)face recognition

Studies of people's memories of their past attitudes indicate that
A)they recall mildly pleasant events less favorably than they experienced them
B)they recall their past attitudes to be much closer to their present attitudes than they actually were
C)they are very accurate in remembering their past attitudes regardless of how much those attitudes have changed
D)women are more accurate in recalling positive attitudes than negative attitudes

Students who were exposed to a message convincing them of the desirability of toothbrushing
A)later were much more accurate in recalling how often they brushed their teeth
B)later recalled brushing their teeth more often than did students who had not heard the message
C)later recalled brushing their teeth less often than did students who had not heard the message
D)not only increased the frequency of brushing but also of exercising regularly

Milly and Sam had a joyful courtship and eventually married. However, after a painful divorce, they remember that their courtship had been filled with conflict. Their recollections illustrate
B)the spacing effect
C)regression toward the average
D)memory construction

Research on self-improvement programs indicates that
A)people actually improve much more than they report
B)people report more benefit from the program than they actually experience
C)people are extremely accurate in reporting how much they have improved
D)females are more accurate than males in reporting how much they have improved

Students who rated a documentary film while a power saw roared just outside the room
A)gave the film lower ratings
B)gave the film higher ratings
C)thought the noise affected their ratings when in fact it did not
D)did not think the noise affected their ratings when in fact it did

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