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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Based on recent social-psychological research, which of the following statements is true?
A)our attitudes and our behavior are unrelated
B)our attitudes determine our behavior but our behavior does not determine our attitudes
C)our behavior determines our attitudes but our attitudes do not determine our behavior
D)under certain circumstances attitudes do predict behavior

According to the text, our attitudes will predict our behavior if
A)other influences are minimized
B)the attitude is specific to the action
C)as we act, we are conscious of our attitudes
D)all of the above are true

A set of expectations defining how those in a social position ought to behave constitutes a(n)

Researchers found that after complying with a request to display a 3-inch "Be a safe driver" sign, Californians were
A)more likely to obey traffic laws
B)more likely to break the speed limit
C)less likely to comply later with a request to place a large, ugly "Drive Carefully" sign in their front yards
D)more likely to comply later with a request to place a large, ugly "Drive Carefully" sign in their front yards

The tendency for oppressors to disparage their victims is given in the text as an example of
A)how attitudes determine behavior
B)how behavior determines attitudes
C)the low-balling effect
D)how role playing comes to shape one's self-identity

Which of the following is cited in the text as an example of how changing behavior can alter attitudes?
A)school desegregation
B)traffic laws
D)capital punishment legislation

To prevent customers from canceling their purchases, encyclopedia salespeople may
A)have the customer fill out the sales agreement
B)make a second call to the customer three days after the sale
C)attempt to sell a second more expensive item to the customer
D)recruit the customer to be an encyclopedia salesperson

The theory that states we adopt certain attitudes in order to justify our past actions is ____________________ theory.
C)cognitive dissonance
D)psychological reactance

Which of the following is not given in the text as an example of how behavior shapes attitudes?
A)brainwashing of American POWs
B)children's resistance to temptation
C)the German greeting of "Heil Hitler"
D)the power of positive thinking

The gradual escalation of demands and active participation were described as key elements in
A)the overjustification effect
C)the underjustification effect
D)the low-balling effect

The author of cognitive dissonance theory was

According to self-perception theory, behavior shapes attitudes
A)only of self-monitoring people
B)when behavior is inconsistent with attitudes
C)when attitudes are weak or unclear
D)only in the area of politics and religion

When severe and mild threats were used in an attempt to prevent children from engaging in a prohibited activity,
A)only the severe threat was strong enough to deter the children from engaging in the prohibited activity
B)both threats deterred the children, but those given the mild threat showed greater internalization of the rule
C)both threats deterred the children, but those given the severe threat showed greater internalization of the rule
D)neither threat was successful in getting the children to internalize the rule

According to the text which of the following is true of self-perception and cognitive dissonance theories?
A)self-perception theory has significantly more support than cognitive dissonance theory
B)cognitive dissonance theory has been proven correct and self-perception theory is still being tested
C)they are contradictory theories; therefore both cannot have validity
D)evidence exists to support both theories, suggesting wisdom in both

A car salesman offers to sell a customer a used car for $9000 which is a very attractive price. After the customer signs the papers to purchase at that price, the salesman seeks final approval from the manager. He returns to tell the customer that the manager will sell the car for $9500. The customer still agrees to buy. The customer was a victim of
A)the overjustification effect
D)the door-in-the-face phenomenon

Zimbardo's simulated prison demonstrated
A)the effects of role playing
B)how attitudes influence actions when external influences are minimized
C)the power of the low-ball technique
D)the difference between cognitive dissonance theory and self-perception theory

Milford has always strongly believed that it is wrong to cheat. But after he himself cheats on a chemistry quiz, his attitude toward cheating becomes significantly less harsh. What best accounts for this attitude shift?
A)cognitive dissonance theory
B)self-perception theory
C)reinforcement theory
D)role-playing theory

"Let me see, do I like Chinese food? I guess I do because I eat at a Chinese restaurant twice a month." The process reflected in this internal dialogue is best understood in terms of
A)cognitive dissonance theory
B)self-perception theory
C)reinforcement theory
D)equity theory

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