1 |  |  According to the trade-off theory, the driving considerations behind managers’ decisions on capital structure are |
|  | A) | Market timing |
|  | B) | Taxes and costs of financial distress |
|  | C) | Share dilution |
|  | D) | Asymmetric information |
|  | E) | None of the above |
2 |  |  The major difference between the traditional and behavioral theories of capital structure is that |
|  | A) | The behavioral theory focuses on market timing by managers |
|  | B) | The traditional theory focuses on managerial needs for financial flexibility |
|  | C) | Behavioral theories assume managers are always over-optimistic |
|  | D) | There is no major difference between them in practice - both lead to similar conclusions on capital structure |
|  | E) | None of the above |
3 |  |  According to surveys of managers, the number one consideration for equity issuance is |
|  | A) | Taxes |
|  | B) | Asymmetric information |
|  | C) | Financial slack |
|  | D) | Avoiding earnings dilution |
|  | E) | All of the above. |
4 |  |  According to surveys of managers, the number one consideration for debt issuance is |
|  | A) | Increasing the value of the tax shield |
|  | B) | Asymmetric information |
|  | C) | Having enough internal funds to pursue new projects when they arrive |
|  | D) | Avoiding earnings dilution |
|  | E) | All of the above |
5 |  |  Empirical evidence on capital structure inconsistent with the pecking order theory shows that |
|  | A) | Managers do not exhaust their cash reserves before taking on debt |
|  | B) | Survey evidence shows that managers believe that the source of their firm under-valuation is information asymmetry |
|  | C) | Managers believe their firms are always undervalued |
|  | D) | All of the above |
|  | E) | There is little evidence against the pecking order theory. |
6 |  |  Examples of sensitivity of investment to cash flow include |
|  | A) | When firms receive more cash or take on less debt, they invest more |
|  | B) | When firms receive large unexpected windfalls from unrelated business, they tend to make more acquisitions |
|  | C) | When their capital positions are impaired, reinsurance companies issue less earthquake insurance |
|  | D) | When cash flow in one division of a multi-divisional firm increases, all other divisions invest more |
|  | E) | All of the above |
7 |  |  A firm with limited cash and debt capacity, choosing between repurchasing its own shares and investing in a project |
|  | A) | Should always invest in the project |
|  | B) | Should always repurchase its own shares |
|  | C) | Should compare the NPV of the two strategies, treating them as alternatives |
|  | D) | Should try to issue more debt to raise cash |
|  | E) | Both c and d |
8 |  |  According to survey evidence, managers typically |
|  | A) | First decide their investment plans and then decide how much to repurchase |
|  | B) | First decide how much capital to raise and then decide investment plans |
|  | C) | Decide repurchase and investment plans at the same time |
|  | D) | First decide how much to repurchase and then decide their investment plans. |
|  | E) | None of the above |
9 |  |  Managers who are excessively optimistic |
|  | A) | Tend to hold their stock options until close to expiration |
|  | B) | Tend to be underdiversified, holding most of their assets in the firm |
|  | C) | Tend to be cited in the popular press as optimistic or confident |
|  | D) | All of the above |
|  | E) | On average, managers tend to be realists |
10 |  |  Excessively optimistic, overconfident managers of firms with little cash tend to |
|  | A) | Make acquisitions with shares because they over-value the equity in their firms |
|  | B) | Pass up positive NPV projects because they over-value the equity in their firms |
|  | C) | Try to issue shares on the open market to get cash, since they believe their shares are a good deal |
|  | D) | Adopt negative NPV projects because they overvalue the cash flows from those projects |
|  | E) | None of the above |