Yookoso!: An Invitation to Contemporary Japanese: Media Edition, 2/e
Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku,
University of California, San Diego
ISBN: 0072862130 Copyright year: 2004
Getting Started
Part One
Meeting Others and Introducing Yourself
Everyday Greetings
Classroom Expressions
The Japanese Writing System (1): Introduction
Part Two
Numbers up to 20
Asking and Giving Telephone Numbers
Asking and Telling Time
Asking What Something Is
The Japanese Writing System (2): Hiragana (1)
Part Three
Talking About Daily Activities
Talking About Future Activities and Events
Talking About Likes and Dislikes
The Japanese Writing System (3): Hiragana (2)
Part Four
Talking About Activities and Events in the Past
Inviting Someone to Do Something
Talking About Weekly Schedules
Talking About the Weather
The Japanese Writing System (4): Katakana (1)
Part Five
Asking Location
Numbers from 21 to 10,000
Asking About Existence
Asking About Price
Talking More About Likes and Dislikes
The Japanese Writing System (5): Katakana (2); Introduction to Kanji
Chapter 1: Classmates
Nationalities and Languages
Personal Information
Around Campus
Study Hint: Learning New Vocabulary
1. Identification: The Copula desu
2. Possessive Particle no
3. Personal Pronouns and Demonstratives
4. Asking Questions: Interrogatives
Particles ha and ga
Culture Notes
shusshin Origins
Japanese Universities and Colleges
Asking Personal Questions
Reading and Writing
Reading 1: Huransu-jin no kurasumeeto
Study Hint: Learning Kanji
Reading 2: Penparu o sagashite imasu!
The Six Types of Kanji
Skills Practice
Language Functions and Situations
Introducing Friends
Introducing Yourself
Listening Comprehension
Chapter 1 Review
Chapter 2: My Town
Cities and Neighborhoods
Buldings and Places Around Town
5. Adjectives and Adverbs
6. Expressing Existence: The Verbs arimasu and imasu
7. Indicating Location
8. Positional Words
9. Numerals and Counters
10. Expressing Likes and Dislikes: suki and kirai
Sentence-Final yo
Study Hint: Learning Grammar
Polite Form Versus Plain Form
Culture Notes
Long Commutes
kooban Police Boxes
Japanese Addresses
Reading and Writing
Reading 1: Buraun-san no apaato no kinjo
Reading 2: Hayashi-san no hurusato
Skills Practice
Language Functions and Situations
Making Communication Work
Showing Location on a Map
Listening Comprehension
Chapter 2 Review
Chapter 3: Everyday Life
Daily Activities
Weekends and Holidays
11. The Basic Structure of Japanese Verbs
12. The Nonpast, Polite Form of Verbs
13. The Past, Polite Form of Verbs
14. Particles Showing Grammatical Relationships
15. Making Suggestions: ~mashoo
16. Conjoining Nouns: to and ya
Adverbs Used in Negative Sentences
Connecting Disjunctive Sentences
Approximate Numbers
Culture Notes
Part-Time Jobs for College Students
kokumin no shukujitsu National Holidays
Reading and Writing
Reading 1: Buraun-san no nichijooseikatsu
Reading 2: Buraun-san no shuumatsu
Skills Practice
Language Functions and Situations
Making a Phone Call
Extending an Invitation
Listening Comprehension
Chapter 3 Review
Chapter 4: Weather and Climate
Weather Reports
Enjoying the Four Seasons
17. Conjugating Adjectives
18. Comparatives and Superlatives
19. The Past, Plain Forms of Verbs
20. Explaining a Reason: ...noda
21. The Te-Form of Adjectives and the Copula
22. The Te-Form of Verbs
23. Expressing Probability and Conjecture
Adverbs Used with Comparatives
Linking Disjunctive Clauses with keredomo
Conjoining Sequential Actions
Culture Notes
Types of Rain
How to Write a Letter in Japanese
Reading and Writing
Reading 1: Buraun-san e no tegami
Reading 2: Toraberu gaido: Iroha-machi no kikoo
Skills Practice
Language Functions and Situations
Asking Questions About the Japanese Language
Asking for Assistance with Kanji
Listening Comprehension
Chapter 4 Review
Chapter 5: Hobbies and Leisure Activities
Hobbies and Pastimes
24. Interrogatives + ka / mo / demo
25. Describing Abilities
26. Nominalizers: koto and no
27. More Uses of the Particle mo
28. Potential Form of Verbs
29. The Te-Form of Verbs + imasu
30. Relative Clauses
31. Describing a Change in State: naru
Nominal Verbs ka: or
Words Expressing Respect and Politeness
Have You Already Eaten?
Some Time Expressions
Culture Notes
go, shoogi, maajan, pachinko: Japanese Games
When You Are Praised
Nihon no supootsu: Japanese Sports
The Japanese Family
Reading and Writing
Reading 1: Sanraizu Karuchaa Sentaa no oshirase
Reading 2: Gakusee to sarariiman no yoka choosa
Skills Practice
Language Functions and Situations
Responding to Compliments
Introducing a Family Member
Listening Comprehension
Chapter 5 Review
Chapter 6 Food
Foods and Beverages
Flavors and Tastes
Cooking Terms
32. Expressing Experience: The Ta-Form of Verbs + koto ga aru
33. Expressing a Desire: hoshii, hoshigaru, ~tai, and ...tagaru
34. Expressing an Opinion: ...to omou
35. ~sugiru
36. Quoting Speech: ...to iu
37. Expressing Intention: tsumori and the Volitional Form of Verbs
38. The Te-Form of Verbs + miru, shimau, iku, and kuru
39. Expressing Simultaneous Actions: ~nagara
~garu soo
Quote Marker to
Study Hint: How to Remember Verb Conjugations moo and mada
Culture Notes
What Do Japanese Eat?
Reading and Writing
Reading 1: Baikingu ryoori ‘Murasaki’
Reading 2: Anata no shokuji chekku
Skills Practice
Language Functions and Situations
Asking and Expressing Opinions
At a Restaurant
Listening Comprehension
Chapter 6 Review
Chapter 7 Shopping
Shops and Stores
40. When Something Happens: Temporal Clauses Ending in toki
41. Indefinite Pronoun no
42. Making If-Then Statements: The tara Conditonal
43. Going Somewhere with a Purpose: Using the Particle ni to Express Purpose
44. Reporting Hearsay: ...sooda
45. Saying Whether or Not Something Is True: ...kadooka
46. Giving Reasons with ...shi, ...shi
dake ~yasui, ~nikui
Culture Notes
iro Colors
Handling Japanese Money
Metric System
Reading and Writing
Reading 1: ‘San Roodo’ gurando oopuningu seeru
Reading 2: Mai fasshion
Skills Practice
Language Functions and Situations
Saying Whether Two Things Are the Same or Different
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