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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Technology, computers, and the Internet have been used for many classroom and educational purposes. Which of the following is NOT a reason offered for computer use?
A)drill and practice on specific skills, often the same skills required in state assessment tests
B)promote higher order thinking through simulations and collaborative action research
C)reduce violence by refocusing students on individual computer tasks and assignments rather than on each other
D)strengthen teacher resources by offering a greater array of instructional tools for the classroom, like Power Point presentations
Channel One, a televised educational news program, is controversial because
A)schools must provide and pay for the television monitors and satellite dish to receive the program.
B)the 30-minute program causes a considerable disruption in the school day.
C)the program has not been shown to improve students' knowledge of current events.
D)the program includes advertisements for commercial products.
Which of the following statements does NOT describe the Virtual High School?
A)It basically operates on a barter system.
B)It offers asynchronous education to students across the country.
C)It meets five times a week for three hours at a time.
D)It can be "attended" by students whether or not they have a computer at home.
All of the following are true EXCEPT
A)Schools were wired for the Internet using existing classroom telephone lines provided for teachers.
B)Students often arrive at school knowing far more than their teachers do about technology.
C)People over 45 years of age exhibit the highest levels of anxiety about technology.
D)Teachers seldom receive professional rewards, such as salary increases, for technological mastery.
How is technology being used in U.S. schools today?
A)Teachers use computers to help with administrative tasks such as grade-keeping.
B)Students with disabilities use wheelchairs, voice-activated software, and touch screens.
C)Students exchange e-mail with students in other schools, states, and countries.
D)All of the above.
A teacher whose use of technology in the classroom consists of giving students timed quizzes on the computer is at which stage of "instructional evolution?"
The use of computer software to individualize instruction and enable students to learn at their own pace is a technologically enhanced form of
A)mastery learning.
B)assistive learning.
C)direct teaching.
D)problem-based learning.
Television viewing is linked to
A)decreased IQ scores in young people
B)increased aggressive behavior
C)increased tolerance of diversity
D)decreased aggressive behavior
Initial studies indicate that computer use in the classroom may improve
A)basic skills.
B)scores on standardized tests.
C)students' writing.
D)all of the above.
E)a and b only.
More money is spent on
A)training teachers how to use technology
B)hardware and software
C)maintaining official school websites
D)none of the above
The percentage of all public school classrooms connected to the Internet is approximately
The E-Rate is
A)a constantly updated figure reflecting the percentage of U.S. schools connected to the Internet.
B)the discounted school cost for using the Internet.
C)the measure of the flow of e-mail into and out of a school's local network.
D)none of the above.
Students from low-income families are
A)More likely than high-income students to use a home computer for playing games
B)More likely than high-income students to use a home computer for educational purposes
C)Use home computers for games and educational purposes at the same rate as high-income students
D)A & B
In terms of access to computers and the Internet, there is a "digital divide" between
A)male and female students.
B)white students and students of color.
C)low-income and high-income students.
D)all of the above.
E)b and c only.
Which of the following is an accurate statement about gender and computer use?
A)Males and females use computers in equal number.
B)Males use computers more frequently than females in elementary school, but females catch up by secondary school.
C)Females use computers as often as males in the elementary grades, but their usage declines thereafter in the middle and secondary grades.
D)No research has been done on male-female differences in computer usage.

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