Doing Philosophy: An Introduction Through Thought Experiments, 2/e Theodore Schick,
Muhlenberg College Lewis Vaughn
The Philosophical Enterprise Explaining the Possibility of the Impossible: Philosophical Problems and Theories
Thought ProbesPhilosophical Health Check: How consistent are your philosophical beliefs?
| Philosophical Health Check
A game designed to test the consistency of your philosophical beliefs from The Philosophers' Magazine Online |
The Nature of Knowledge: Can you be sure that you’re not living in the Matrix?
| Strange New World
A game designed to explore the possibility of living in the Matrix from The Philosophers' Magazine Online |
The Nature of Personal Identity: What sort of changes can you undergo and remain the same person?
| Staying Alive
A game designed to test the consistency of your theory of personal identity from The Philosophers' Magazine Online |
The Nature of Morality: How complex are your moral principles?
| Morality Play
A game designed to test the parsimoniousness of your moral principles from The Philosophers' Magazine Online |
The Nature of God: How consistent is your view of God?
| Battleground God:
A game designed to test the consistency of your view of God from The Philosophers' Magazine Online |