|  Doing Philosophy: An Introduction Through Thought Experiments, 2/e Theodore Schick,
Muhlenberg College Lewis Vaughn
The Mind-Body Problem The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Mind as Quality
Thought ProbesPan-en-theism: Is it plausible to believe that we are living inside God’s brain?
| Panentheism
Report on a symposium sponsored by the Templeton Foundation |  |  |  | Science and the Future of Theology--Critical Issues
Article by Arthur Peacocke (Oxford University) describing the relationship between science and theology |  |  |  | Emergence, Mind, and Divine Action
Article by Arthur Peacocke (Oxford University) defending his panentheism |  |  |  | God in Relation to Nature
Article by John Polkinghorne (Queens College) criticizing Peacocke's panentheism |
Placebos: Does the effectiveness of placebos lend credence to the claim that the mind has a downward causal effect on the body?
| Mind Over Matter: Do Placebos Work?
Article by Sandra Roberts for Mad Science Nation |  |  |  | How Could Conscious Experience Affect Brains?
Article by Max Velmans (University of London) outlining a model for understanding mental causation |  |  |  | Sweet Nothings: Placebos Really Don't Work
Article by Amy Malick for ABC News |  |  |  | Putting Placebos to Work
Article by Barbara Feder Ostrov from the San Jose Mercury News |  |  |  | Pondering the Placebo Effect
Article by Ted Kaptchuck et. al. for MSNBC News |