|  Doing Philosophy: An Introduction Through Thought Experiments, 2/e Theodore Schick,
Muhlenberg College Lewis Vaughn
The Problem of Personal Identity
TheoriesThe Memory Theory
| Self and Identity as Memory
Article by John F. Kihlstrom & Jennifer S. Beer Stanley B. Klein (University of California at Berkeley) |  |  |  | The Memory Theory: Logical Worries
Lecture notes by Ben Theis (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) |  |  |  | Persistence through Time for Persons
Article evaluating Locke's memory theory by Carl Brock Sides |  |  |  | The Continuity Argument
Defense of the memory theory by Philip Wang (Stanford University) |  |  |  | Locke's Theory of Personal Identity
Article by Peter B. Lloyd |  |  |  | Locke, Book II
Lecture notes on Locke's theory of personal identity by Ken Himma (University of Washington) |
The Brain Theory
| The Diachronic Self
Dissertation on personal identity by Max Moore (Extropy Institute) |  |  |  | Brain Transplants
Article on the possibility of brain transplants by BBC news. |  |  |  | Dualism: An Empirical Test
Implications of brain transplants for theories of the self by Peter J. King (University of North London) |