Ethics (The Problem of Morality)
Morality Play
Interactive questionnaire to test the parsimoniousness of your ethical system by The Philosophers' Magazine Online |
Ethics Surveys: Basic Moral Orientation
Survey to determine your basic moral orientation from Ethics Update |
Ethics Case Studies
Numerous ethics case studies from Lawrence Hinman's Ethics Updates (University of San Diego) |
The Definition of Morality
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article |
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article |
Encarta article |
Wikipedia article |
Catholic Encyclopedia article |
Moral Theories: An Overview
Chart of various ethical theories and their relation to one another with links to further discussions by Jim Anderson (University of San Diego) |
Ethics Updates
Extensive collection of web resources dealing with ethics compiled by Lawrence Hinman (University of San Diego) |
Definition and suggested links by Garth Kemerling |
Applied Ethics
Applied Ethics
Oxford Companion to Philosophy article |
Business Ethics
Oxford Companion to Philosophy article |
Medical Ethics
Oxford Companion to Philosophy article |
Applied Ethics
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article |
Applied Ethics Resources on WWW
Large assortment of applied ethics links from the Centre for Applied Ethics (University of British Columbia) |
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
Site containing articles, cases, briefings, etc. and applied ethics links from Santa Clara University |
Social Issues
Collection of links on a variety of applied ethics issues from the Argus Clearinghouse |
Ethics Web Sites
Set of links mostly to applied ethics sites; maintained by J. Cordeaux |
Applied Ethics links
EpistemeLink link collection |
Oxford Companion to Philosophy article |
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article |
Voluntary Euthanasia
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article |
Wikipedia article |
Encarta article |
Largest collection of euthanasia related sites on the web |
Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide
Detailed overview of the issue and current legal situation from |
Discussion from Faithnet; overview of different sorts of euthanasia and brief arguments for and against allowing voluntary euthanasia |
Euthanasia and End-of-Life Decisions
Collection of web resources from Lawrence Hinman's Ethics Updates (University of San Diego) |
International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
FAQs, information about advanced directives, the situation in the Netherlands, etc. from a perspective that opposes legalization |
Collection of articles from organization against euthanasia |
The Hemlock Society USA
Home page of organization "promoting end-of-life choice" |
Site containing a great deal of information about euthanasia, arguments pro and con, etc. by EXIT, a group in favor of voluntary choice over end-of-life decisions |
Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment
Oxford Companion to Philosophy article |
Capital Punishment
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article |
Capital punishment
Wikipedia article |
Capital Punishment
Encarta article |
Capital Punishment (the Death Penalty)
Catholic Encyclopedia article discussing history of capital punishment across the world |
Capital Punishment Statistics
Statistical information about those sentenced to the death penalty from the U.S. Department of Justice |
Capital Punishment--The Death Penalty: Pro and Anti
Detailed overview of the issue, current legal situation, and arguments on both sides from |
Punishment and the Death Penalty
Collection of web resources from Lawrence Hinman's Ethics Updates (University of San Diego) |
Website Against the Death Penalty
Arguments against the death penalty from Amnesty International |
The Death Penalty and the Catholic Church
Site with information on the death penalty and the Catholic Church's opposition to it |
Executing the Innocent
Article opposing capital punishment by Elizabeth A. Linehan (St. Joseph's University) for Paideia |
The Case Against the Death Penalty
Lengthy discussion by Hugo Adam Bedau (Tufts University) |
Capital Punishment and Human Rights
Essay on the incompatibility of accepting both natural rights theory and capital punishment by Dr. Jonathan Dolhenty (The Radical Academy) |
The Ultimate Punishment: A Defense
Article in favor of capital punishment by Ernest van den Haag (Fordham University) |
Speech in Favor of Capital Punishment
Speech given in 1868 by John Stuart Mill; text from Lawrence Hinman's Ethics Updates (University of San Diego) |
Wesley Lowe's Pro Capital Punishment Webpage
Detailed set of arguments for the death penalty |
Collection of resources from a group in favor of capital punishment |
The Death Penalty: A Defense
Online book supporting capital punishment by David Anderson |