analytic proposition | a proposition that is a logical truth or can be turned into a logical truth by substituting synonyms for synonyms.
a-posteriori proposition | a proposition that can only be known after one has acquired sense experience.
a-priori proposition | a proposition that can be known prior to or independently of sense experience.
causal theory | The doctrine that knowledge is suitably caused true belief.
cognitive cultural relativism | the doctrine that a proposition is made true by a society believing it to be true.
cognitive subjectivism | the doctrine that a proposition is made true by ones believing it to be true.
coherence theory of truth | the doctrine that a proposition is made true by its coherence with a system of beliefs.
correspondence theory of truth | the doctrine that a proposition is made true by its correspondence with reality
defeasibility theory | The doctrine that knowledge is undefeated justified true belief.
direct realism | the doctrine that perception puts us in direct contact with reality.
empiricism | the doctrine that sense experience is the only source of knowledge of the external world.
explanationist theory | The doctrine that knowledge is justified true belief that provides the best explanation for the justifying evidence.
foundationalism | The theory of knowledge that maintains (1) that there are basic beliefs and (2) that the justification of all other beliefs depends on the basic beliefs.
knowledge by acquaintance | knowledge of what it is to have a certain experience.
minimal correspondence theory | the doctrine that a proposition is true just in case things are as it says they are.
performative knowledge | knowledge of how to perform a certain activity.
phenomenalism | The view that all talk of things is reducible to talk of sensations.
philosophical skepticism | the doctrine that we have no knowledge of some realm such as the external world.
pragmatic theory of truth | the doctrine that a proposition is made true by its practical consequences.
primary qualities | qualities possessed by material objects.
propositional knowledge | knowledge of whether a proposition is true or false.
rationalism | the doctrine that reason is the only source of knowledge of the external world.
reliability theory | The doctrine that knowledge is reliably produced true belief.
representative realism | the doctine that sensations are caused by external objects and that our sensations represent those objects.
secondary qualities | qualities that exist in the mind but not in material objects themselves.
sense data | the objects that are immediately known in sensation.
synthetic proposition | a proposition that is not analytic.