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Stanley Dodson would like to acknowledge and thank the many people involved in the development of Limnology:
"It is traditional to say that there are too many people to thank, and that it would be too embarrassing to leave out someone. This is true, especially for this book! Thanks for helpful conversations about limnology are due to hundreds of limnologists, aquatic ecologists, teachers, students, naturalists, and citizens interested in lakes.
Many people assisted me in putting this book together. Bob Rogers, Sheri Snavely, and Kirk Jensen encouraged the development of this book in its formative stages and provided reviews of early drafts. Over the last ten years, Bill Feeny has prepared drawings and charts for teaching summer limnology, some of which served as the basis for figures in the text. Kandis Elliot gave excellent advice on how to write, which I have been partly able to follow. She also did a masterful job turning my primitive drawings into beautiful and helpful art for this book. What a delight to be able to work with an artist who is also a limnologist! Editors at McGraw-Hill have provided outstanding assistance in the final stages of publication. Special thanks are due Kathy Loewenberg and Mary Powers for their organizational skills, excellent advice, and untiring patience. This book is based on several drafts, which were improved by thoughtful reviews by many limnologists, but especially John Havel, Carla Cáceres, Scott McNaught, Donald Roeder, Alan Covich, and several anonymous readers, the kind professors who took the time to respond to e-mail questions about content and format, and the careful reviewers listed below." Reviewers
A. Ross Black Eastern Washington University
William R. DeMott Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne
Dennis Englin The Master's College
Alexander Karatayev Stephen F. Austin State University
Bill Perry Illinois State University
Andrew P. Wold Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
Val H. Smith University of Kansas
Lloyd Wright Hocking College
Grace Wyngaard James Madison University |