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Introduction to Limnology
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Field and Laboratory Exercises

Chapter Summary

Statistical Analysis Supplement
Supplemental Reading
Field Exercise Protocol
Lab 1: Vertical Patterns in a Lake
Lab 2: Zooplankton in a Lake
Lab 3: Becoming Familiar with Rotifers
Lab 4: Becoming Familiar with Cladocerans
Lab 5: Becoming Familiar with Copepods
Lab 6: Aquatic Insects in a Stream
Lab 7: Aquatic Macrophytes and Multivariate Techniques
Lab 8: Fishes in Lakes and Streams
Lab 9: Chemistry and Productivity of a Sewage Pond
Lab 10: Aquatic Resource Integrity
Appendix 1 Spearman Rank Correlation Test
Appendix 2 The x2 Test of Independence, with Emphasis on the x2 Median Test