Setting the Stage: Water as an Environment |  |
Web LinksExploring the Internet Web Linksacid lakesThe Science of Volcanic Lakes http://lawr.ucdavis.edu/faculty/gpast/lakes.html
This site presents an excellent discussion of the limnology and geology of acid lakes, with beautiful photos. Atlantic OceanShip Mates http://www.bigelow.org/shipmates/
Work with the on-line oceanographic data.Ocean Remote Sensing http://fermi.jhuapl.edu/avhrr/
This site showcases "near real-time presentation of sea surface temperature imagery for research and educational purposes."Great Salt LakeTerminal Lake Systems—The Great Salt Lake http://www.engineering.usu.edu/uwrl/atlas/ch6/index.html
Learn about the Great Salt Lake. The Great Salt Lake shows extreme chemistry and biology because of its high salinity. Utah Geological Survey— Great Salt Lake http://www.ugs.state.ut.us/online/PI-39/PI39PG9.HTM
More information on the Great Salt Lake.Minneapolis, Minnesota LakesLake Access http://lakeaccess.org/
A good source of lake data.Seattle, WashingtonQuantitative Environmental Learning Project http://www.seattlecentral.edu/qelp/Data.html
The Quantitative Environmental Learning Project from the Seattle, Washington area is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation. The site provides a group of data sets in water pollution, water resources, and related categories. These data sets are excellent resources for use in the development of web-based assignments centered on practicing limnological skills. well-studied lakes globallyInternational Lake Environment Committee http://www.ilec.or.jp/database/database.html
A great database from well-studied lakes around the world.Wisconsin LakesNorth Termperate Lakes Long Term Ecological Research http://lter.limnology.wisc.edu/
At this website, check out "About NTL-LTER" then "Lake Characteristics" and the "Madison Area Lakes" and "Lake Mendota" on the map—this is a great source for limnological data for teaching or comparisons. Data are also available from more oligotrophic lakes in northern Wisconsin. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/water/fhp/lakes/under/index.htm
Includes an excellent description of the physical characteristics of lakes in Wisconsin.LakeSat.org http://www.lakesat.org
Check out lake water clarity monitoring and analysis with satellite remote sensing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.SeicheUniversity of Delaware Seiche Calculator http://www.coastal.udel.edu/faculty/rad/seiche.html
This site allows the calculation of the period of a seiche, using the characteristic length (often the diameter) of a lake. WOW Water on the WebWater on the Web http://wow.nrri.umn.edu/wow/
The National Science Foundation supports this premiere educational site "Water on the Web." This user-friendly site for teachers and students presents a comprehensive overview of physical and chemical limnology, including topics such as "conductivity" and "redox" and data for practicing limnological analyses. |