Aquatic Ecosystems and Physiology: Energy Flow |  |
Chapter Summary The Ecosystem Concept
Models of Energy Flow
Space-Time Diagrams
Primary Productivity
Photosynthetic Organisms
Light Inhibition of Photosynthesis
Primary Productivity in Lakes and Streams
Measuring Primary Productivity
Tropical Productivity
Energy Inputs Other than Sunlight
Nonphotosynthetic Primary Productivity
Wave Energy and Productivity
Secondary Production
Ecological Efficiencies
Fishes and Primary Productivity
Microbial Loop
Allochthonous Inputs
Introduction to Physiological Ecology
Surface-to-Volume Ratios
Metabolic Rate and Body Size
Metabolic Rate and Temperature
Scope for Growth and Temperature Preferences
Interaction of Temperature and Body Size
Metabolic Rate and Other Factors
Balanced Bioenergetic Model
Study Guide