Read each question carefully and then select the best answer.
1 |  |  Raul and Louisa are preparing to launch their first child. This family is in the _____ stage of the family life cycle. |
|  | A) | first |
|  | B) | third |
|  | C) | fifth |
|  | D) | seventh |
2 |  |  Why is it necessary to successfully complete launching before entering into the new couple stage of the family life cycle? |
|  | A) | Launching provides the opportunity to meet a marriage partner. |
|  | B) | Launching makes men and women more similar in their expectations of marriage. |
|  | C) | Launching provides the opportunity to develop an independent identity on which to base the choice of a partner. |
|  | D) | Launching increases openness to alternatives in what are considered acceptable personality characteristics in a marriage partner. |
3 |  |  Natalie is struggling to determine which of her parents' values make sense to her while she adjusts to her freshman year at college. Natalie is experiencing: |
|  | A) | loneliness. |
|  | B) | launching. |
|  | C) | family joining. |
|  | D) | generational role shifting. |
4 |  |  Which phrase would many individuals begin to hear during the sixth stage of the family life cycle? |
|  | A) | "How come I have to clean my room? I'm almost in the fifth grade!" |
|  | B) | "I now pronounce you husband and wife." |
|  | C) | "Hi, Grandpa. Hi, Grandma." |
|  | D) | "Honey, I'm pregnant!" |
5 |  |  Alexandra's youngest child has just gone away to college. She and her husband are interacting in different ways now that they are less focused on the kids. She also is finding that she enjoys spending time with her children now that they interact as adult-to-adult rather than parent-to-child. Alexandra is in which stage of the family life cycle? |
|  | A) | midlife |
|  | B) | later life |
|  | C) | leaving home |
|  | D) | joining families |
6 |  |  Which of the following stages of the family life cycle is characterized by grandparenting and making adaptations to retirement? |
|  | A) | family at midlife |
|  | B) | family in later life |
|  | C) | family at retirement |
|  | D) | family in old age |
7 |  |  One of the benefits of marriage is: |
|  | A) | increased longevity. |
|  | B) | more financial security. |
|  | C) | an improved gender identity. |
|  | D) | better cognitive functioning. |
8 |  |  Research on the effects of marriage on the husband and wife have shown that: |
|  | A) | it is a myth to believe there are more benefits to being married than being single. |
|  | B) | married men tend to live longer, but there are no significant differences in health between married and unmarried women. |
|  | C) | married women tend to live longer, but there are no significant differences in health between married and unmarried men. |
|  | D) | an unhappy marriage can shorten an individual's life by four years. |
9 |  |  Compared to 1970, there were about _______ times as many single men and women living alone in 1998. |
|  | A) | one-and-one-half |
|  | B) | two |
|  | C) | three |
|  | D) | five |
10 |  |  In a cross-cultural study of marriage around the world, Buss et al. (1990) found that which of the following countries considered chastity to be the most important factor in marital selection? |
|  | A) | China |
|  | B) | Ireland |
|  | C) | Germany |
|  | D) | the United States |
11 |  |  Research suggests that: |
|  | A) | cohabiting before marriage increases marital satisfaction. |
|  | B) | cohabiting before marriage increases the likelihood of divorce. |
|  | C) | cohabiting couples have less stress and pressure than married couples. |
|  | D) | relationships in cohabitation are not as equal as in marriage. |
12 |  |  Which of the following is a benefit of cohabitation? |
|  | A) | Relationships in cohabitation tend to last longer than marriages because there are fewer pressures. |
|  | B) | Relationships in cohabitation tend to be more equal than in marriage. |
|  | C) | Cohabitation improves an individual's chances for choosing a compatible marriage partner. |
|  | D) | Cohabitation leads to greater marital happiness and success. |
13 |  |  Which of the following couples is most likely to get divorced? |
|  | A) | Elaine and Alan, whose marriage in their late forties was the first for both. |
|  | B) | Ivana and Edward who married in their late twenties. |
|  | C) | Linda and Phil, who got married their senior year of high school after learning that Linda was pregnant. |
|  | D) | Jennifer and Burt, who married after their respective spouses died. |
14 |  |  The main difference between couples who divorce earlier in life and those who divorce later in life lies in their: |
|  | A) | level of emotional intensity. |
|  | B) | level of interdependence on each other. |
|  | C) | level of sexual intimacy. |
|  | D) | ability to cope successfully with stress. |
15 |  |  A divorced adult is likely to remarry within _______ years. |
|  | A) | 1 |
|  | B) | 2 |
|  | C) | 3 |
|  | D) | 4 |
16 |  |  The research on the effects of divorce on children suggests that: |
|  | A) | the majority of children have severe adjustment problems when their parents divorce. |
|  | B) | older children are better able to cope with their parents' divorce. |
|  | C) | children from divorced families have more adjustment problems than children from nondivorced families. |
|  | D) | generally speaking, it is better for the children if parents remain in a marriage even if there is a great deal of conflict. |
17 |  |  You are going through a divorce and must talk to your children about it. Which of the following is a good recommendation? |
|  | A) | Do not explain the separation because no matter what you say, the children are likely to believe it's somehow their fault. |
|  | B) | Explain that it may take time to feel better. |
|  | C) | Help them understand the divorce by being honest about your ex-spouse's shortcomings as well as your own. |
|  | D) | Make a "clean break" by starting fresh and getting rid of as many reminders of the marriage as possible. |
18 |  |  When compared with younger divorcing couples, Gottman and Levenson (2000) found that couples who divorce in midlife: |
|  | A) | have grown apart from each other. |
|  | B) | feel more alienated and avoidant. |
|  | C) | are burned out from emotional turmoil. |
|  | D) | are more volatile and expressive. |
19 |  |  With respect to gay and lesbian relationships, researchers have found: |
|  | A) | these relationships are similar to heterosexual relationships in their satisfactions, loves, and conflicts. |
|  | B) | there are more conflicts in homosexual relationships than there are in heterosexual relationships. |
|  | C) | gay and lesbian partners are generally more open about expressing their love than their heterosexual counterparts. |
|  | D) | there is both more conflict and more satisfaction in homosexual relationships than in heterosexual relationships. |
20 |  |  Jim and Joe have been together for 10 years in a committed relationship. They are now talking about adopting a child. Researchers have found that when compared with children in heterosexual families, a child reared by a homosexual couple is: |
|  | A) | no more likely to become homosexual. |
|  | B) | more likely to have adjustment problems. |
|  | C) | less likely to have mental health problems. |
|  | D) | more likely to become a heterosexual. |
21 |  |  When Matt gets into trouble, his parents use strict discipline and do not allow him to tell his side of the story. Matt's parents use ________ parenting. |
|  | A) | authoritarian |
|  | B) | neglectful |
|  | C) | authoritative |
|  | D) | indulgent |
22 |  |  Research on the relationship between the role of parenting and children's development has demonstrated that: |
|  | A) | parenting is primarily responsible for children's development. |
|  | B) | heredity is primarily responsible for children's development. |
|  | C) | parenting and peer relations are jointly responsible for children's development. |
|  | D) | parenting, heredity, and peer relations are all responsible for children's development. |
23 |  |  Misha has been sent to his room for sitting on his baby sister. His mother will come in and talk to him about why he cannot treat his sister this way and about other, more acceptable ways for him to express his anger. Which parenting style does this exemplify? |
|  | A) | authoritarian |
|  | B) | authoritative |
|  | C) | permissive-indulgent |
|  | D) | permissive-indifferent |
24 |  |  Conflict with parents escalates most often during: |
|  | A) | early adolescence. |
|  | B) | middle adolescence. |
|  | C) | late adolescence. |
|  | D) | the college years. |
25 |  |  Parents who want their adolescents to make a smooth transition into adulthood should: |
|  | A) | relinquish control in all areas and let the adolescent take over. |
|  | B) | maintain control in as many areas as possible for as long as possible. |
|  | C) | relinquish control in areas where the adolescent has shown competence and maintain control in those areas where the adolescent's knowledge is limited. |
|  | D) | maintain control of issues dealing with family and relinquish control for those issues having to do with peer relations. |
26 |  |  Talia, age 16, has a secure attachment with her parents. One might expect she will: |
|  | A) | have trouble breaking away from her parents to form peer relationships. |
|  | B) | tend to be more dependent in her relationships. |
|  | C) | have a lower sense of her self-worth. |
|  | D) | have better relations with her peers than her insecurely attached counterparts. |
27 |  |  Which statement best characterizes the new model of parent-adolescent relationships? |
|  | A) | As adolescents mature, they detach from parents and move into a world of autonomy apart from parents. |
|  | B) | Parent-adolescent conflict is intense and stressful throughout adolescence. |
|  | C) | Everyday negotiations and minor disputes between parents and adolescents are harmful to developmental functions. |
|  | D) | Parents serve as important attachment figures, resources, and support systems as adolescents explore their world. |
28 |  |  According to research on intergenerational relationships, in which way would we most expect Grace to be similar to her parents? |
|  | A) | politics |
|  | B) | lifestyle |
|  | C) | gender roles |
|  | D) | work orientation |
29 |  |  Which family relationships tend to be the closest in adulthood? |
|  | A) | father and son |
|  | B) | mother and son |
|  | C) | father and daughter |
|  | D) | mother and daughter |
30 |  |  One study showed that the midlife well-being of women was related to the quality of their relationship to their: |
|  | A) | fathers. |
|  | B) | mothers. |
|  | C) | spouses. |
|  | D) | children. |
31 |  |  Research on intergenerational relationships shows that: |
|  | A) | men are most valued for maintaining family relationships. |
|  | B) | women are most valued for maintaining family relationships. |
|  | C) | women are not valued as the most important relatives in families. |
|  | D) | male heads of households are usually seen as the most valuable family members. |
32 |  |  Which child is most likely to be raised by a single grandmother? |
|  | A) | Aisha, who is African-American |
|  | B) | Greg, who is White |
|  | C) | Kim, who is Korean |
|  | D) | Maria, who is Latina |
33 |  |  Middle-aged adults have been described as the "sandwich" generation because: |
|  | A) | they are now responsible for taking care of grandchildren, including preparing their meals, while their adult children are at work. |
|  | B) | as retirees, they now spend more time at home and are able to eat together as a couple. |
|  | C) | they face the demands of caring for both their children and their elderly parents. |
|  | D) | it is now up to them to pass on family traditions to their children and grandchildren. |
34 |  |  Who tends to experience the MOST intergenerational stress? |
|  | A) | adolescents |
|  | B) | young adults |
|  | C) | middle-aged adults |
|  | D) | older adults |
35 |  |  Anita and Larry were always close as children. Now that they are in middle adulthood, we would expect that they would: |
|  | A) | still be close. |
|  | B) | be less close, particularly if they live in different parts of the country. |
|  | C) | be less close no matter where they live. |
|  | D) | be able to count on each other in times of crisis, but otherwise not maintain much contact. |
36 |  |  Parents are likely to treat their firstborns differently than their later-born children in that they: |
|  | A) | have higher expectations for later-born children. |
|  | B) | put more pressure on the firstborn for achievement and responsibility. |
|  | C) | interfere less with the firstborn's activities. |
|  | D) | give the firstborn less attention than later-born children. |
37 |  |  Which of the following is likely to have the LEAST influence on behavior in later life? |
|  | A) | gender |
|  | B) | culture |
|  | C) | temperament |
|  | D) | birth order |
38 |  |  Most stepfamilies include: |
|  | A) | no children from the current marriage. |
|  | B) | children from the man's previous marriage. |
|  | C) | children from the woman's previous marriage. |
|  | D) | children from both the woman's and man's previous marriages. |
39 |  |  The most prevalent type of stepfamily today is a: |
|  | A) | stepmother family. |
|  | B) | stepfather family. |
|  | C) | blended family. |
|  | D) | mixed family. |
40 |  |  Working-class and low-income families are more likely to practice a(n) _______ parenting style. |
|  | A) | authoritarian |
|  | B) | authoritative |
|  | C) | permissive indulgent |
|  | D) | permissive ignoring |