Computer Education for Teacher
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Computer Education for Teachers: Integrating Technology into Classroom Teaching, 5/e

Vicki Sharp, University of California - Northridge

ISBN: 007288021x
Copyright year: 2005

What's New

  • INCREASED FOCUS ON USING TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM: The chapters have been revised to provide a stronger focus on the classroom teacher and what he/she needs to know about technology; several new features support this focus (see below).
  • STREAMLINED TABLE OF CONTENTS: The new edition has been streamlined into a 16-chapter, four-part organization.
  • UPDATED AND EXPANDED COVERAGE: New and expanded coverage includes discussions of educational technology, learning theories, learning styles, ISTE student and teacher standards, handheld computers, electronic books, wireless networks, smart classrooms, and more.
  • FEATURES: New or expanded pedagogical features include the popular "Checklists" feature, "Online Resources" that link students to the study guide on the Online Learning Center, chapter-opening lists that detail how students and teachers can use technology in the classroom, and "Computer Lab: Activities for Mastery and Your Portfolio" at the end of each chapter.
  • “HARDWARE REFERENCE GUIDE FOR TEACHERS”: This new reference guide located in Chapter 3 provides users with a handy listing of hardware basics.
  • RE-WRITTEN SPECIAL EDUCATION CHAPTER: The Computers in Special Education chapter has been re-written and now includes coverage of IDEA, and mainstreaming and inclusion.
  • LESSON PLANS KEYED TO ISTE STANDARDS: Each lesson plan is now keyed to ISTE standards.
  • NEW DESIGN: A new two-color design is part of an enhanced art program that includes current screen shots of the software described.
  • STUDENT COMPUTER LAB CD-ROM: The Student Computer Lab CD-ROM includes several activities per chapter designed to allow practice with different types of applications and technology. The step-by-step activities are meant to introduce students to different applications, however all result in products that could be used in the K-12 classroom.

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