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Web Links
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Internet Sites
What follows is an annotated list of top-rated Internet sites. These sites will contain information about hardware, hardware companies, lessons on computer hardware, news, and reviews.

Online Stores and Operating System Sites

Apple Computer
Apple’s home page consists of a range of items—reviews, news, products, and downloads.

CPM’s TechWeb
This site fulfills your Windows 98 information needs through its news, tips, related articles, free e-mail newsletter, downloads, and a forum.

Educational Resources
Educational Resources, in operation since 1985, has more than 5,000 software titles, supplemental software, and mixed-media curriculum courseware, as well as peripherals and accessories.

Foldoc Free Online Dictionary of Computing
The Free Online Dictionary of Computing (FOLDOC) is a searchable database, which has more than 13,000 entries and is still growing. You can search it using a search engine or clicking on an alphabetical index.

Learning Services
Learning Services has been in operation for more than 20 years and features over 5,000 software titles. It has supplemental software and mixed-media curriculum courseware, as well as peripherals and accessories.

Created in 1996 by author Ted Landau, this site brings together experts who discuss conflicts and fixes for things that go in, on, or are connected to the Macintosh.

Microsoft’s home page contains an assortment of items ranging from news to downloads to product information.

PC–Mac Connection
Mac and PC Connection, Inc. is a mail order company that offers more than 100,000 brand-name products at competitive prices.

PC–Mac Warehouse
Mac and PC Warehouse, Inc., is a mail order company that offers brand-name products at competitive prices.

Windows 95 and 98 Tips and Tricks
This site is dedicated to helping you through the Windows 98 operating system. It contains Windows 98 tips and tricks.

Hardware Sites

Computer Lessons for Kids and Small Adults
Computer Lessons for Kids and Small Adults offers easy-to-understand lessons on the parts and the operating systems of a personal computer.

Hardware Central
Hardware Central features the latest in hardware news and reviews.

Ultimate Memory Guide

PC Webopedia
PC Webopedia is a resource for information about PCs. It contains definitions of 2,000 computer terms, with links to sites related to each term.

PC Webopedia’s Hardware Companies
This site links to leading PC hardware companies.

Tip World
Tip World provides daily free e-mail tips for the Windows and the Mac OS operating systems and for keeping your hardware humming along.

What’s in That Box?
This site is a presentation on what’s in your computer and how it works.

Yahoo! Hardware
Yahoo! Hardware offers an extensive list of links to hardware companies from the ill-fated Amiga to the highly successful iMAC computer.

Everything you ever wanted to know about computer memory. See table of contents on the left panel in blue.

Web Sites Referenced in the Chapter

The Tech Encyclopedia at CPM Net

Computer Education for TeacherOnline Learning Center

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