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Desktop publishing is:
A)The most widely used computer application.
B)The second-most popular application after word processing.
C)Very hard to learn, regardless of the kind of DTP you use.
D)The same as word processing.

What type of application focuses on page layout and graphic design?
A)Word processing
B)Webpage editors
C)Image editing software
D)Desktop publishing

Which of the following is not an example of desktop publishing?
A)Several Macintosh computers connected to a magazine's editorial and design departments.
B)An IBM user running Printshop to produce a newsletter on an inkjet printer.
C)A teacher using Word to create a mail-merge letter to parents.
D)An eight-year-old creating a sign to find a lost pet.

The software and hardware for desktop publishing:
A)Ranges in price from inexpensive to very expensive.
B)Is not affordable enough for most schools.
C)Require much more maintenance than other software and hardware.
D)Is prohibitively inexpensive.

Which DTP is the most complex and has the steepest learning curve?
A)The Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center.
C)Microsoft Publisher

What is a frame?
A)A box with text or graphics
B)The border around an object.
C)A type of illustration used in desktop publishing.
D)A type of desktop publishing program.

Which of the following is not part of the page layout process?
A)Setting margins.
B)Setting columns.
C)Positioning graphics and text.
D)Inputting text

You can perform all the following functions using a desktop publisher, except:
A)Create page layouts.
B)Insert art and text on the same page.
C)Use full-featured graphic capabilities.
D)Create Web pages.

A style sheet is:
A)The same as a frame.
B)A format you can repeat throughout a document.
C)A collection of clip art.
D)A list of ideas for newsletters.

The Page view:
A)Shows what the printed page will look like.
B)Shows only the text of your document.
C)Shows the contents of the style sheet.
D)Will not show clip art or other graphics.

All of these factors are important to consider when choosing a desktop publisher, except:
A)The complexity of the program's advanced features.
B)Ease of use.
C)Purchase Price
D)Hardware compatibility.

A good guideline for desktop publishing is to:
A)Use many fonts.
B)Use white space.
C)Put many elements on a page.
D)Put titles of illustrations on the opposite page.

The best way to have a consistent layout of a weekly class newsletter is to:
A)Open the previous week's newsletter, import new text, and change the graphics.
B)Create a style sheet or template that can be reused.
C)Carefully note all formatting information for the next time.
D)Look at a copy of last week's newsletter and refer to it as you create the updated newsletter.

Desktop publishing is used for:
B)Lab reports.
D)All of the above.

When creating a document using desktop publishing, it is best to avoid all of these pitfalls, except::
A)Excessive underlining.
B)Unequal spacing.
C)Cramped logos.
D)A few carefully selected graphics or pieces of clip art:

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