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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
¡Avance! : Intermediate Spanish

Mary Lee Bretz, Professor Emerita, Rutgers University
Trisha Dvorak, University of Washington
Carl Kirschner, Rutgers University
Rodney Bransdorfer, Central Washington University
Constance Kihyet, Saddleback College

ISBN: 007288181x
Copyright year: 2004

Feature Summary

The hallmark of ¡Avance! is its intelligent treatment of topics that speak to students and their own interests. The chapter topics are not run-of-the-mill, survival-type topics; rather, they are topics that truly promote a deeper understanding of the Spanish language and of Hispanic cultures, such as those dealing with stereotypes, cultural traditions, and beliefs and ideologies. Topics are approached from a cross-cultural, sociological point of view, with the overall goal of ¡Avance! being that of challenging students not just to learn about the language and cultures of the Hispanic peoples, but to think about their own culture critically. Thus, learning Spanish with ¡Avance! is not only interesting, but also becomes personally relevant.

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