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Laboratory Audio Program
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These audio files correspond to the listening sections of your Cuaderno de trabajo.

Actividades auditivas

Describir y comentar
A. (2438.0K)
B. (2668.0K)
C. (4534.0K)
D (1555.0K)

Lengua 16. Imperatives: Formal Direct Commands
A. (1574.0K)
B. (1542.0K)
C. (671.0K)

Lengua 17. The Subjunctive Mood: Concept; Forms of the Present Subjunctive & 18. Uses of the Subjunctive: Persuasión
A. (3202.0K)
B. (980.0K)
C. (1046.0K)
D. (2380.0K)

Lengua 19. Imperatives: Informal Direct Commands
A. (1332.0K)
B. (1518.0K)
C. (2047.0K)
D. (2163.0K)

Enlaces: Voces
A. (3026.0K)
B. (2143.0K)
C. (520.0K)

Pronunciación y ortografía
Pronunciación: Los sonidos [s/Θ]
Introduction (1431.0K)
Activity (1042.0K)

Pronunciación: Los sonidos [k/kw]
Introduction (964.0K)
A. (994.0K)
B. (713.0K)

Ortografia: Los sonidos [k/s/kw]
A. (818.0K)

Pronunciación: Dictado
A. (3238.0K)

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