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Laboratory Audio Program
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These audio files correspond to the listening sections of your Cuaderno de trabajo.

Actividades auditivas

Describir y comentar
A. (1467.0K)
B. (2412.0K)
C. (1571.0K)
D. (1146.0K)
E. (3442.0K)
F. (2004.0K)

Lengua 20. More Relative Pronouns
A. (2524.0K)
B. (982.0K)

Lengua 21. Positive, Negative, and Indefinite Expressions
A. (943.0K)
B. (1664.0K)

Lengua 22. Uses of the Subjunctive: Certainty Versus Doubt; Emotion
A. (1631.0K)
B. (1420.0K)
C. (1727.0K)
D. (1705.0K)
E. (2473.0K)
F. (1407.0K)

Enlaces: Voces
A. (2646.0K)
B. (2646.0K)
C. (2263.0K)
D. (526.0K)

Pronunciación y ortografía
Pronunciación: Las velares oclusivas y fricativas [g/g/X]
A. (573.0K)
B. (917.0K)
C. (612.0K)
D. (616.0K)

Pronunciación: Los sonidos [g/gw/X]
Introduction (606.0K)
A. (1348.0K)
B. (863.0K)
C. (591.0K)

Ortografía: Los sonidos [g/gw/X]
A. (827.0K)
B. (608.0K)
C. (2937.0K)

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