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Race, Class, and Gender After 9/11

Web Links

Hot Topics: USA Patriot Act
Provides "information about the USA PATRIOT Act, intellectual freedom, civil rights and social justice." The Web sites listed in this directory "provide access to the USA Patriot Act text and offer a variety of resources for education, government information and activism." From librarians Carlos A. Diaz, Carrie Lybecker, and Liza Rognas of Evergreen State College, Washington state.
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Liberty in the Balance: Security Collides with Civil Liberties
This four-part series ran in September 2003 in the Sacramento Bee "and examines how the crackdown on terrorism has come into conflict with the civil liberties that set America apart." A good introduction to post-9/11 issues related to intellectual freedom, including the Patriot Act. Includes discussion of the role of librarians in defending free speech in an open society and survey results indicating that federal agents have stepped up formal and informal library enquiries.
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A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution
"This exhibit explores this period when racial prejudice and fear upset the delicate balance between the rights of the citizen and the power of the state." It discusses Japanese immigration to the United States, the relocation of Japanese Americans to camps during World War II, their loyalty and military service, and their post-war struggle for justice. From the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution.
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NOW with Bill Moyers: Chuck Lewis on a New Patriot Act
Transcripts of a February, 2003 television interview with Chuck Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity, about the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003, also known as "Patriot Act II," which some consider "a sweeping expansion of the government's police powers." Includes a response from the Department of Justice, a later interview with civil libertarian Nat Hentoff, a timeline, and related links. From the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) series "Now with Bill Moyers."
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People for the American Way
This 20-year-old organization is "fighting to maintain and expand 50 years of legal and social justice progress that right-wing leaders are trying to dismantle." Read about its history; see where it stands on such issues as public education, religious freedom, and civil liberties; search by state to find current highlighted issues and activities. Record of the Month, October 2002.
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Southern Poverty Law Center
This organization combats hate, intolerance and discrimination through education and litigation. Includes Klanwatch and Militia Task Force, which monitor white supremacist and extremist activity, Legal Action, current and historical civil rights cases, and Teaching Tolerance, excerpts from this free to educators magazine, including an excellent, annotated, Recommended Reading list.
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Crosspoint Anti Racism
An international, searchable collection of briefly annotated links covering such topics as anti-racism/anti-fascism, migrants, anti-Semitism/Shoah, migrants/diversity, indigenous people, Jewish resources/Shoah, human rights/refugees, disability resources, Roma/Sinti/Travellers, gays and lesbians, and women's rights. Users can browse the site by country or by topic. The annotations are provided in English, Spanish, German, French, or other language depending upon the country of origin.
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Diversity Bibliography
An annotated bibliography of online and print resources about diversity. Compiled for journalists by the Poynter Institute.
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EEOC Home Page
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, an independent federal government agency posts its laws, rules, guidelines, fact sheets, and press releases here.
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Employment Discrimination: An Overview
This site provides a comprehensive overview of employment discrimination laws, as well as links to federal and state statutes, federal agency regulations, federal and state judicial decisions, and other employment law topics. Part of the Legal Information Institute (LII) at Cornell Law School.
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Understanding Prejudice
This supplement to the print anthology Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination offers" more than 2,000 links to prejudice-related resources, as well as searchable databases with hundreds of prejudice researchers and social justice organizations." The Reading Room section has bibliographies on sexism, anti-Semitism, genocide, and many other prejudice-related topics. A searchable experts directory includes listings for more than 200 media contacts, career mentors, and social scientists.
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Ethnomed: Ethnic Medicine Information from Harborview Medical Center
EthnoMed seeks to "make information about culture, language, health, illness and community resources directly accessible to health care providers" of recent immigrants. This searchable clinical resource provides culture-specific pages, journal articles, immigration issues, and links related to public health, patient education, and cross-cultural information. From the University of Washington Health Sciences Library and the Harborview Medical Center's Community House Calls Program in Seattle.
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Policy makers, health care providers, and consumers can access a wealth of information on serving diverse communities here. This site explains how language and culture affect the delivery of health care to various ethnic groups. It includes information on best practices, standards for medical interpreters, legal and policy issues, news, and links to sites dealing with cross-cultural and minority health care.
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Gonzaga University Institute for Action Against Hate
This site presents information about a Spokane, Washington state, research institute that "exists for the purpose of eliminating hate within the University community, the Northwest region and the nation." The site includes editorials and articles, online editions of the group's newsletter and scholarly journal, conference information, curriculum materials, and bibliographies. From Gonzaga University.
( ) Extremists on the Internet
This site, based on the HBO documentary of the same name, includes stories of hate crime victims, methods of combating hate, video clips, information on First Amendment rights, links to organizations fighting hate crimes, and a moderated chat room.
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Protecting Students from Harassment and Hate Crime: A Guide for Schools - January 1999
This guide aims "to provide elementary and secondary schools with practical guidance to help protect students from harassment and violence based on race, color, national origin, sex, and disability." Topics include developing a written anti-harassment policy, identifying and responding to incidents, formal complaint and grievance procedures, and creating a climate of diversity. Includes sample policies and other related resources. A 1999 publication of the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights.
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National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP)
This organization proposes to "identify and promote strategies that prevent child poverty in the United States and that improve the lives of low-income children and their families." The Web site offers facts, statistics, reports, news, analyses, and policy recommendations. Users can view issues of the Child Poverty News & Issues and other publications online. From Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.
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