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Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund
"A national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, the transgendered, and people with HIV or AIDS through impact litigation, education, and public policy work." The site includes state-by-state legal information; news updates; legal cases with briefs and opinions; historical information; and a list of the legal status of contemporary issues affecting the GLBT community, including adoption, employee rights, and same-sex marriage.
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American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
This site provides an overview of the ACLU and information on its activities and positions on such issues as criminal justice, cyber-liberties, death penalty, drug policy, free speech, HIV/AIDS, immigration, national security, privacy, reproductive rights, racial equality, religious liberty, and the rights of lesbians, gays, students, women, and other groups. It includes highlights from recent ACLU actions, related legislation facing Congress, and links to other resources.
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Fight AIDS — Not People With AIDS!
This site discusses "AIDS stigma," which "refers to prejudice, discounting, discrediting, and discrimination directed at people perceived to have AIDS or HIV, and the individuals, groups, and communities with which they are associated." Features articles, findings from surveys, and critical information on resources for AIDS education. By Gregory Herek, Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis.
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Historical Publications of the United States Commission on Civil Rights
This site provides full-text historical reports of the commission "responsible for monitoring the civil rights activities at federal agencies. It is through monitoring that it can be assured that proper enforcement is taking place and the promise of civil rights is fulfilled." Users can browse the Web site by title, subject, date of publication, and Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) number. From the Thurgood Marshall Law Library of the University of Maryland School of Law.
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NTAC: The National Transgender Advocacy Coalition
Includes legal updates, existing and proposed laws, news items, gender rights bills, research and statistics, press information packages, and bylaws and other specific items of organizational structure. A valuable resource for transgender issues. Searchable.
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U.S. Census Bureau Facts for Features: Civil Rights Act of 1964: 40th Anniversary
Facts and statistics compiled in honor of the signing of the "landmark law [that] prohibits racial discrimination in public accommodations, publicly owned or operated facilities, employment and union membership, and voter registration." Compares data from 1964 and 2002 in areas such as black elected officials, college students and graduates, and income and poverty. Includes audio files.
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Diversity Bibliography
An annotated bibliography of online and print resources about diversity. Compiled for journalists by the Poynter Institute.
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Feminist Theory Web Site
This academically oriented site, divided into three parts, provides more than 80 individual feminist biographies with related bibliographies and a section divided by ethnic or national feminists within 7 geographical regions. The third section includes bibliographies relating to feminist themes within 30 different fields of study. Presented in English, French, and Spanish, this site includes links to many other feminist topics.
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Andrea Dworkin
Web site collects writings from feminist/activist Andrea Dworkin, including nonfiction, fiction, autobiography, speeches, essays and articles, interviews, writings about Nicole Brown Simpson, and the full text of Pornography and Civil Rights: A New Day for Women's Equality (co-written with Catharine A. MacKinnon).
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Emma Goldman
Companion to a Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) American Experience program about "the notorious lecturer, fearless writer, and merciless publisher." Includes a discussion of Goldman's beliefs and her philosophy of anarchism, a timeline, profiles of related individuals and events, images of the anarchist magazine Mother Earth, Goldman's arrest record, a teacher's guide, and related materials.
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The Emma Goldman Papers
Includes an illustrated biography, photographs, a chronology (1869-1940), writings, speeches, and a browsable and searchable collection of "personal correspondence, pamphlets, handbills, and manuscripts" relating to the well-known anarchist, feminist, and "advocate of free speech, birth control, women's equality and independence, union organization, and the eight-hour work day." From the University of California, Berkeley.
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gender Inn
This Web site offers a database of over 7,500 bibliographic records on "feminist theory, feminist literary criticism and gender studies focusing on English and American literature." Presented by the University of Cologne, Germany, there are English and German versions. There also are annotated links to other women's studies databases.
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The Rise of Women in the Legal Profession
The site presents images and documents related to American women in law and legal history. The "exhibit shows not only the high-profile successful women lawyers, but also those whose achievements are less well known but no less significant in providing career-building advice." Topics include legal education, gender bias, legal cases, and women in the judiciary and in practice. A joint project of the Committee of the Historical Records of the New York County Clerk and the Arthur W. Diamond Law Library, Columbia Law School.
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Roxcy Bolton, Pioneer Feminist
Devoted to a tireless activist, this site includes brief biographical information, an essay, photos, letters concerning Bolton's successful 1969 challenge of "men only" public dining areas, and resources for teachers. From the Florida Memory Project.
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Same-Sex Marriage: A Selective Bibliography
Books, Web sites, and articles from scholarly journals, on the topic of same-sex marriage. Articles date from 1997 forward. Browse by geographic area (state or country) or by topic, such as arguments for or against legalizing gay and lesbian marriages. From librarian Paul Axel-Lute at Rutgers University.
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Equal Marriage for Same Sex Couples
Information about the "issue of full and equal marriage for gays and lesbians" primarily in Canada. Documents a Canadian couple seeking legal recognition of their right, as a same-sex couple, to marry. Includes news and law summaries, information about registered domestic partnerships (RDPs), a Canadian marriage timeline, and links to news, media coverage, information on court decisions, and more.
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The Same-Sex Marriage Debate
News stories and editorials on the debate, with an emphasis on same-sex marriage in Massachusetts. Includes video clips, interactive features, photos, the text of speeches and judicial documents, and blogs. From, the online companion to the Boston Globe.
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The Battle Over Same-Sex Marriage
This site from the San Francisco Chronicle offers current and archived news articles, commentary, a photo gallery, related links, and more. The focus is on California, but the site includes same-sex marriage news from other states.
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50-State Rundown on Gay Marriage Laws
This page provides "a 50-state roundup of current law and proposals to change state marriage laws. The proposals comprise state constitutional amendments, changes to state law and non-binding resolutions." From, "a non-partisan, non-profit online news publication that reports each weekday on state government."
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AFSCME LaborLinks: Gay and Lesbian Resources
Collection of links to diverse sources of information on gay, lesbian, and transgender issues in the workplace. Included are links to gay and lesbian public employee groups, as well as resources about domestic partner benefits and transgender employment rights. From the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).
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American Association of University Women (AAUW)
This site offers information about the AAUW, which lobbies and advocates for education and equity for women and girls, supports women seeking judicial redress for sex discrimination in higher education, and funds community action projects, research, and fellowships and grants for women around the globe. There is a directory of all branch and state Web sites and projects.
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EEOC Home Page
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, an independent federal government agency posts its laws, rules, guidelines, fact sheets, and press releases here.
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Employment Discrimination: An Overview
This site provides a comprehensive overview of employment discrimination laws, as well as links to federal and state statutes, federal agency regulations, federal and state judicial decisions, and other employment law topics. Part of the Legal Information Institute (LII) at Cornell Law School.
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Glass Ceiling Commission
Works to identify barriers and expand practices and policies that promote employment opportunities for the advancement of minorities and women into positions of responsibility in the private sector. Site contains studies and reports.
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National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education (NCWGE)
This organization is "dedicated to improving educational opportunities for girls and women. Our mission is to provide leadership in and advocate for the development of national education policies that benefit all women and girls. This site provides information on our coalition; current activities; updates on relevant federal education legislation; useful resources; and NCWGE publications." Publications include "Title IX at Thirty," a report on the federal law which prohibits sex discrimination in federally-funded education programs.
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U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau
Established by Congress in 1920, the Women's Bureau "is the only federal agency mandated to represent the needs of wage-earning women in the public policy process." The site provides information about regional offices, fact sheets and other publications, statistics, press releases, and speeches. Also includes information about bureau history, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, and links to state resources. Searchable.
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Understanding Prejudice
This supplement to the print anthology Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination offers" more than 2,000 links to prejudice-related resources, as well as searchable databases with hundreds of prejudice researchers and social justice organizations." The Reading Room section has bibliographies on sexism, anti-Semitism, genocide, and many other prejudice-related topics. A searchable experts directory includes listings for more than 200 media contacts, career mentors, and social scientists.
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PBS Frontline—Assault
This site is a companion to the original PBS program shown in 2000. It offers background on homophobia, the gay gene debate, and religious views of homosexuality. Find interviews, articles, testimony from family and friends, video excerpts, and transcripts of the original show. A well-rounded site from the Frontline series.
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The Safe Schools Coalition (SSC)
SSC wants " to reduce bias-based bullying and violence in schools and to help schools better meet the needs of sexual minority youth and children with sexual minority parents/guardians." The site features publications and stories on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues for students, educators, and parents. Also includes information and links to international, national, and Washington state resources. It organizes links by type, topic, and audience. Some materials in Spanish. Searchable.
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Sexual Prejudice: Understanding Homophobia and Heterosexism
Explores research on the "nature of sexual prejudice," defined in this article as "all negative attitudes based on sexual orientation, whether the target is homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual." By Gregory Herek, Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis.
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National Adolescent Health Information Center (NAHIC): View/Download PDFs
A collection of publications concerning adolescent health and health care, pregnancy prevention, mortality, suicide, and youth violence. From the National Adolescent Health Information Center (NAHIC), University of California, San Francisco.
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National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
This center collects and distributes statistics, information, and resources about sexual violence. It is aimed at caregivers, policy makers, and crisis centers. Provides a searchable database of the library catalogs of the center and of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, publications, a calendar of events, funding resources, profiles of organizations, materials on specific types of sexual violence, and classified ads for jobs in the field.
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Intimate Partner Violence: Fact Sheet
Statistics revealing the scope of the problem, risk factors, and characteristics of perpetrators. From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.
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Office on Violence Against Women
Site of the U.S. government office in charge of legal and policy issues regarding violence against women. Includes hotline numbers; national and local resources for victims, criminal justice practitioners, advocates, and social service professionals; federal grant programs and documents; statistics; and related links. Searchable. From the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
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