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SNCC 1960-1966: Six Years of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Covers the first six years of the organization's history, presenting its stand and activities on nonviolence, the Vietnam War, white liberalism, feminism, and Black Power. In addition, this site features profiles of prominent members John Lewis, Julian Bond, Fannie Lou Hamer, Bob Moses, Ella Baker, and Stokeley Carmichael along with information on events (sit-ins, Freedom Rides, the Freedom Ballot, the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, and the 1963 March on Washington). Includes a timeline and sound files.
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Greensboro Sit-Ins: Launch of a Civil Rights Movement
Presents audio clips, a photograph of young Black men sitting at "that whites-only lunch counter at the Woolworth Store on South Elm Street," a timeline, and news articles, including one about the statue honoring the occasion the web site unveiled in February, 2002.
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American Indian Movement (AIM)
Provides an overview of the American Indian civil rights group that formed in 1968 to speak out against discrimination, treaty rights, reclamation of tribal land, poverty, and related issues. Discusses events in the history of the group, including the protest and confrontation in Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1973. Includes a bibliography. From the Minnesota Historical Society.
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A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution
"This exhibit explores this period when racial prejudice and fear upset the delicate balance between the rights of the citizen and the power of the state." It discusses Japanese immigration to the United States, the relocation of Japanese Americans to camps during World War II, their loyalty and military service, and their post-war struggle for justice. From the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution.
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The Web presence of America's oldest civil rights organization, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, contains links to its magazine The Crisis, a timeline of its long history, important news bulletins, and information about the NAACP's community assistance programs.
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NTAC: The National Transgender Advocacy Coalition
Includes legal updates, existing and proposed laws, news items, gender rights bills, research and statistics, press information packages, and bylaws and other specific items of organizational structure. A valuable resource for transgender issues. Searchable.
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Southern Poverty Law Center
This organization combats hate, intolerance and discrimination through education and litigation. Includes Klanwatch and Militia Task Force, which monitor white supremacist and extremist activity, Legal Action, current and historical civil rights cases, and Teaching Tolerance, excerpts from this free to educators magazine, including an excellent, annotated, Recommended Reading list.
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Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election
A report issued by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, June 2001.
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Roxcy Bolton, Pioneer Feminist
Devoted to a tireless activist, this site includes brief biographical information, an essay, photos, letters concerning Bolton's successful 1969 challenge of "men only" public dining areas, and resources for teachers. From the Florida Memory Project.
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Building Blocks for Youth
Informative site on issues relating to juvenile crime and justice. Building Blocks for Youth is a group of children's advocates, law enforcement officials, and others dedicated to protecting and advocating for minority youths involved in the justice system. Topics include youths in the adult criminal justice system, race issues, "get tough" on juveniles legislation, juvenile courts, and the dangers of incarcerating juveniles with adult offenders. The Web site offers an online newsletter, reports, fact sheets, and news articles and links.
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Employment Discrimination: An Overview
This site provides a comprehensive overview of employment discrimination laws, as well as links to federal and state statutes, federal agency regulations, federal and state judicial decisions, and other employment law topics. Part of the Legal Information Institute (LII) at Cornell Law School.
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National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education (NCWGE)
This organization is "dedicated to improving educational opportunities for girls and women. Our mission is to provide leadership in and advocate for the development of national education policies that benefit all women and girls. This site provides information on our coalition; current activities; updates on relevant federal education legislation; useful resources; and NCWGE publications." Publications include "Title IX at Thirty," a report on the federal law which prohibits sex discrimination in federally-funded education programs.
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U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau
Established by Congress in 1920, the Women's Bureau "is the only federal agency mandated to represent the needs of wage-earning women in the public policy process." The site provides information about regional offices, fact sheets and other publications, statistics, press releases, and speeches. Also includes information about bureau history, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, and links to state resources. Searchable.
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Understanding Prejudice
This supplement to the print anthology Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination offers" more than 2,000 links to prejudice-related resources, as well as searchable databases with hundreds of prejudice researchers and social justice organizations." The Reading Room section has bibliographies on sexism, anti-Semitism, genocide, and many other prejudice-related topics. A searchable experts directory includes listings for more than 200 media contacts, career mentors, and social scientists.
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PBS Frontline-Assault
This site is a companion to the original PBS program shown in 2000. It offers background on homophobia, the gay gene debate, and religious views of homosexuality. Find interviews, articles, testimony from family and friends, video excerpts, and transcripts of the original show. A well-rounded site from the Frontline series.
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The Safe Schools Coalition (SSC)
SSC wants " to reduce bias-based bullying and violence in schools and to help schools better meet the needs of sexual minority youth and children with sexual minority parents/guardians." The site features publications and stories on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues for students, educators, and parents. Also includes information and links to international, national, and Washington state resources. It organizes links by type, topic, and audience. Some materials in Spanish. Searchable.
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Gonzaga University Institute for Action Against Hate
This site presents information about a Spokane, Washington state, research institute that "exists for the purpose of eliminating hate within the University community, the Northwest region and the nation." The site includes editorials and articles, online editions of the group's newsletter and scholarly journal, conference information, curriculum materials, and bibliographies. From Gonzaga University.
( ) Extremists on the Internet
This site, based on the HBO documentary of the same name, includes stories of hate crime victims, methods of combating hate, video clips, information on First Amendment rights, links to organizations fighting hate crimes, and a moderated chat room.
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Protecting Students from Harassment and Hate Crime: A Guide for Schools - January 1999
This guide aims "to provide elementary and secondary schools with practical guidance to help protect students from harassment and violence based on race, color, national origin, sex, and disability." Topics include developing a written anti-harassment policy, identifying and responding to incidents, formal complaint and grievance procedures, and creating a climate of diversity. Includes sample policies and other related resources. A 1999 publication of the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights.
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National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP)
This organization proposes to "identify and promote strategies that prevent child poverty in the United States and that improve the lives of low-income children and their families." The Web site offers facts, statistics, reports, news, analyses, and policy recommendations. Users can view issues of the Child Poverty News & Issues and other publications online. From Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.
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