Strategic Management: Strategic Managment Gregory G. Dess,
University of Texas at Dallas G.T. Lumpkin,
University of Illinois--Chicago
Analyzing the External Environment of the Firm
Chapter ObjectivesChapter 2
After reading this chapter, you should have a good understanding of:
- The importance of developing forecasts of the business environment.
- Why environmental scanning, monitoring, and collecting competitive intelligence are critical inputs to forecasting.
- Why scenario planning is a useful technique for firms competing in industries characterized by unpredictability and change.
- The impact of the general environment on a firm’s strategies and performance.
- How forces in the competitive environment can affect profitability.
- How a firm can improve its competitive position by increasing its power vis-à-vis forces in the competitive environment.
- How trends and events in the general environment and forces in the competitive environment are interrelated and affect performance.
- The concept of strategic groups and their strategy and performance