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Human Anatomy, 6/e
Kent Van De Graaff, Weber State University

Digestive System

Study Outline

  1. Introduction to the Digestive System
  2. Serous Membranes and Tunics of the Gastrointestinal Tract
    1. Serous Membranes
    2. Layers of the Gastrointestinal Tract
    3. Innervation of the Gastrointestinal Tract
  3. Mouth, Pharynx, and Associated Structures
    1. Checks, Lips, and Palate
    2. Tongue
    3. Teeth
    4. Salivary Glands
    5. Pharynx
  4. Esophagus and Stomach
    1. Esophagus
    2. Swallowing Mechanisms
    3. Stomach
  5. Small Intestine
    1. Regions of the Small Intestine
    2. Structural Modifications of the Small Intestine
    3. Mechanical Activities of the Small Intestine
  6. Large Intestine
    1. Regions and Structures of the Large Intestine
    2. Mechanical Activities of the Large Intestine
  7. Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas
    1. Liver
    2. Gallbladder
    3. Pancreas
  8. Clinical Considerations
    1. Developmental Problems of the Digestive System
    2. Pathogens and Poisons
    3. Clinical Problems of the Teeth and Salivary Glands
    4. Disorders of the Liver
    5. Disorders of the GI Tract