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Human Anatomy, 6/e
Kent Van De Graaff, Weber State University

Muscular System

Study Outline

  1. Introduction to the Muscular System
  2. Structure of Skeletal Muscles
    1. Muscle Attachments
    2. Associated Connective Tissue
    3. Muscle Groups
    4. Muscle Architecture
    5. Blood and Nerve Supply to Skeletal Muscle
  3. Skeletal Muscle Fibers and Types of Muscle Contraction
    1. Skeletal Muscle Fibers
    2. Isotonic and Isometric Contractions
    3. Neuromuscular Junction
    4. Motor Unit
  4. Naming of Muscles
  5. Muscles of the Axial Skeleton
    1. Muscles of Facial Expression
    2. Muscles of Mastication
    3. Ocular Muscles
    4. Muscles That Move the Tongue
    5. Muscles of the Neck
    6. Muscles of Respiration
    7. Muscles of the Abdominal Wall
    8. Muscles of the Pelvic Outlet
    9. Muscles of the Vertebral Column
  6. Muscles of the Appendicular Skeleton
    1. Muscles That Act on the Pectoral Girdle
    2. Muscles That Move the Humenus at the Shoulder Joint
    3. Muscle That Move the Forearm at the Elbow Joint
    4. Muscles of the Forearm That Move the Joints of the Wrist, Hand, and Fingers
    5. Muscles of the Hand
    6. Muscles That Move the Thigh at the Hip Joint
    7. Muscles of the Thigh That Move the Knee Joint
    8. Muscles of the Leg That Move the Joints of the Ankle, Foot, and Toes
    9. Muscles of the Foot
  7. Clinical Considerations
    1. Evaluation of Muscle Condition
    2. Functional Conditions in Muscles
    3. Diseases of Muscles
    4. Aging of Muscles