|  Introductory Plant Biology, 9/e Kingsley R. Stern,
California State University, Chico
Metric ConversionsMETRIC SYSTEM OF MEASUREMENTApplication | International System of Units | English System Equivalents | Length | Kilometer | 0.62137 miles | | Meter | 39.37 inches | | Centimeter | 0.3937 inch | | Millimeter | 0.03937 inch | | Micrometer (micron) | 0.00003937 inch | | Nanometer | 0.00000003937 inch | | Angstrom | 0.0000000003937 inch |
Mass (Weight) | Metric ton | 2,200 pounds | | Kilogram | 2.2 pounds | | Gram | 0.03527 ounce | | Milligram | 0.00003527 ounce |
Volume | Liter | 1.06 quart | | Milliliter | 0.00106 quart | | Cubic meter | 35.314 cubic feet | | Cubic centimeter | 0.061 cubic inch |
Temperature | To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply the Celsius figure by 9, divide
the total by 5, and add 32. |
CONVERSION TABLEMillimeters | Inches | 0.039 | Centimeters | Inches | 0.39 | Inches | Centimeters | 2.54 | Feet | Centimeters | 30.48 | Ounces | Grams | 28.35 | Pounds | Grams | 453.6 | Pounds | Kilograms | 0.4536 | Grams | Ounces | 0.035 | Kilograms | Pounds | 2.205 | Fluid ounces | Milliliters | 29.57 | Quarts | Liters | 0.9463 | Milliliters | Fluid ounces | 0.03 | Liters | Quarts | 1.057 | Liters | Gallons | 0.2642 | Fluid ounces | Milliliters | 29.57 | Quarts | Liters | 0.9463 | Gallons | Liters | 3.785 | Hectares | Acres | 2.471 | Square kilometers | Square miles | 0.3861 | Square inches | Square feet | 6.944 x 10-3 | Square feet | Square inches | 144.0 | Acres | Hectares | 0.4047 | Square miles | Square kilometers | 2.590 |
 (27.0K) |