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Chapter Outline
(See related pages)

Self-Concept: Who Am I?
    1. At the Center of Our Worlds: Our Sense of Self
  1. Self-Reference
  2. Possible Selves
    2. Development of the Social Self
  1. The Roles We Play
  2. Social Identity
  3. Social Comparisons
  4. Success and Failure Experiences
  5. Other People’s Judgments
    3. Self and Culture
    4. Self-Knowledge
  1. Explaining Our Behavior
  2. Predicting Our Behavior
  3. Prediction Our Feelings
  4. The Wisdom and Illusions of Self-Analysis
Perceived Self-Control
  1. Self-Efficacy
  2. 2. Locus of Control
  3. 3. Learned Helplessness Versus Self-Determination
  1. Self-Esteem Motivation
  2. 2. The Dark Side of Self-Esteem
Self-Serving Bias
    1. Explaining Positive and Negative Events
    2. Can We All Be Better Than Average?
    3. Unrealistic Optimism
    4. False Consensus and Uniqueness
    5. Explaining Self-Serving Bias
    6. Reflections on Self-Efficacy and Self-Serving Bias
  1. a. The Self-serving Bias as Adaptive
  2. b. The Self-serving Bias as Maladaptive
    False Modesty

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