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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following would NOT be true about the relationship between attitudes and behaviors?
A)they predict behavior.
B)when social influences are minimal they are a fair predictor of behavior.
C)when an attitude is strong it is a good predictor of behavior.
D)when the attitude is specific to the behavior it is a good predictor of behavior.

The best way to determine if someone really cares about the environment would be to
A)ask how they voted.
B)look at what kind of car they purchased.
C)see what political party they belong to.
D)ask them about their attitude.

Actions expected of those who occupy a particular social position are called

When our behavior is out of sync with our attitudes it is called
A)attitude incongruity.
B)the attitude-behavior dissimilarity theory.
C)attitude inoculation.
D)cognitive dissonance.

If you are paid $20 to lie to someone versus $1 to tell the same lie to someone, you are LESS likely to experience dissonance. Why?
A)the overjustification effect.
B)insufficient justification effects.
C)the insufficient funds effect.
D)the underjustification effect.

Bem argues we look to our behavior to find out what our attitudes are. He calls this
A)drive theory.
B)cognitive dissonance.
C)distraction-conflict theory.
D)self-perception theory.

When offered an unnecessary reward in an attempt to control behavior, the _____ effect occurs.
C)insufficient funds.
D)insufficient justification.

Whose theory involves the idea of arousal as central to dissonance?

Threaten a person's self-concept in one domain and they will compensate by doing something good in another domain. This describes the
A)self-presentation effect.
B)self-affirmation theory.
C)self-monitoring effect.
D)self-identity theory.

Dissonance theory explains attitude _____ while self-perception theory explains attitude __________.
A)formation; change.
B)incongruity; justification.
C)change; formation.
D)justification; incongruity.

Self-perception theory argues that people will adopt attitudes consistent with behaviors in order to
A)figure out the dominant response.
B)reduce tension.
C)determine how they should behave.
D)create good impressions.

Which theory of why behavior affects attitudes assumes that we look to our behavior to discover our attitudes?
A)self-perception theory.
B)drive theory.
D)social facilitation.

Which theory of why behavior affects attitudes gives rise to the overjustification effect?
A)drive theory.
C)social facilitation..
D)self-perception theory.

In a strange but revealing experiment, Zajonc et al. have found that roaches are affected by the mere presence of others in much the same way as humans. That is, when the dominant response is correct, performance is increased; when the dominant response is wrong, performance is harmed. These findings would best support which theory of social facilitation?
A)drive theory.
C)evaluation apprehension.
D)self-perception theory.

Your girlfriend asks you if you'd be willing to run really quick to the grocery store with her. You agree. However, once in the car she asks if you'd mind running three other errands with her. Begrudgingly you say yes. She has used which of the following techniques?
A)slave labor.
B)the door-in-the-face technique.
C)the foot-in-the-door technique.
D)the low-ball technique.

A politician who publicly favors a tax increase that he privately doesn't support will most likely experience
A)attitude incongruity.
B)the attitude-behavior dissimilarity theory.
C)attitude inoculation.
D)cognitive dissonance.

A teenager is out with her friends at the mall. Although she doesn't believe in shoplifting, when they all take earrings and put them in their pockets, she does as well. As a result, she will most likely experience
A)cognitive dissonance.
B)the attitude-behavior dissimilarity theory.
C)attitude inoculation.
D)attitude incongruity.

A student states that he supports gun ownership by individuals. In speech class, his teacher assigns him to present a persuasive speech on abolishing gun ownership by individuals. After arguing the opposing side, he finds his initially favorable attitude is changing. This can best be explained by
A)attitude incongruity.
B)the attitude-behavior dissimilarity theory.
C)attitude inoculation.
D)cognitive dissonance theory.

If pollsters outside elections polls survey entering voters on which candidate they prefer, and then ask exiting voters who they actually voted for, they would generally find a high correlation between initial preference and actual vote. In this specific example, this is because
A)in general, attitudes specific to a behavior are excellent predictors.
B)when an attitude is strong it is an excellent predictor of behavior.
C)when social pressures are low, an attitude is an excellent predictor of behavior.
D)attitudes are strong when you share them with your friends.

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