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Mixed Quiz
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1An electrocardiogram is a graphical representation of:
A)atrial depolarization
B)ventricular depolarization
C)both atrial and ventricular depolarization
D)atrial and ventricular de- and repolarization

2An elongated P wave suggests:
A)a problem with ventricular depolarization
B)a problem with atrial depolarization
C)a problem with atrial repolarization
D)a problem with ventricular repolarization

3The T wave indicates:
A)ventricular repolarization
B)atrial repolarization
C)ventricular depolarization
D)atrial depolarization

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4The first heart sound heard is the result of:
A)closure of the AV valves
B)closure of the semilunar valves
C)opening of the AV valves
D)opening of the semilunar valve

5Atrial pressure is at its highest when:
A)the AV valve is closed
B)the AV valves are open
C)the semilunar valves are closed
D)the valves have no influence on atrial pressure

6If the time of ventricular filling were increased in duration:
A)less blood would flow into the ventricles
B)the end diastolic volume (EDV) would be greater
C)the end systolic volume (ESV) would be greater
D)the EDV and ESV would remain the same

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