1 If Mendel had been working with genes on the same chromosome, he would not have been able to formulate his laws of segregation and independent assortment.A) True B) False 2 The term X-linked is used for genes carried on the Y chromosome.A) True B) False 3 Which of the following supports the chromosomal theory of inheritance?A) both chromosomes and alleles are paired in diploid cells B) homologous chromosomes and alleles separate during meiosis C) fertilization restores both the diploid chromosome number and allele pairs in the zygote. D) all of the above 4 Who determines the sex of the child?A) the male B) the female 5 In animals, the autosomes are different in males than they are in females.A) True B) False 6 The sex chromosomes of a human female are _____.A) XX B) XY C) YY 7 Females can only produce gametes with an X chromosome.A) True B) False 8 Traits which are X-linked are expressed more frequently by males.A) True B) False 9 Male and female Drosophila flies have _____.A) the same number of chromosomes as humans B) one pair of sex chromosomes C) the same number of sex chromosomes as humans D) both B and C 10 The allele for Drosophila eye color ____.A) is on the Y chromosome B) is on the X chromosome C) is on one of its autosomes 11 The sex chromosomes carry genes for traits that have nothing to do with the sex of the organism in addition to those genes that determine sex.A) True B) False 12 Mendel's factors are now called alleles.A) True B) False 13 Which of the following best describes a Drosophila with the genotype XR Xr assuming XR = red eyes and Xr = white eyes?A) female with red eyes B) female that is a carrier C) male with white eyes D) both A and B 14 Assuming XR = red eyes and Xr = white eye, what is the phenotype of an individual with the genotype Xr Y?A) male with red eyes B) male with white eyes C) female with red eyes D) female with white eyes 15 An individual with the genotype Xr Y will produce which of the following gametes?A) XR B) Xr C) Y D) both B and C 16 If XR = red eyes and Xr = white eyes, will the Drosophila cross of XR XR x Xr Y produce white-eyed males?A) yes B) no 17 Color blindness in humans is X-linked. If XB = normal vision and Xb = color blindness, will an organism with the genotype XB Xb be color blind?A) yes B) no 18 Carriers do not display the recessive phenotype but are able to pass on an allele for the recessive phenotype to their offspring.A) True B) False 19 If XB = normal vision and Xb = color blindness, what are the chances a color blind female will have color blind sons if she has children with a man with normal vision?A) 100% B) 50% C) 25% D) none 20 What are the chances of a female, homozygous for normal vision, and a color blind male having color blind daughters?A) 100% B) 50% C) 25% D) none 21 Carriers can also be described as _____.A) homozygous recessive B) homozygous dominant C) heterozygous 22 Linked alleles tend to stay together and do not separate independently, as predicted by Mendel's laws.A) True B) False 23 There is a direct relationship between the frequency of crossing-over and the percentage of recombinant __________.A) gametes B) phenotypes C) genotypes 24 The chromosomes can be mapped by determining the frequency of recombinant _____ that occurs due to the process of crossing over.A) gametes B) phenotypes C) genotypes 25 Drosophila chromosome II carries the gene for _____.A) antennae type B) wing type C) leg length D) all of the above 26 If crossing over occurs between two linked alleles of interest, a dihybrid produces _____ type(s) of gamete(s).A) one B) two C) three D) four 27 When chromosomes are mapped by examining recombinant phenotypes, it is assumed that 1% of crossing over equals _____ map unit(s).A) one B) two C) five D) ten 28 When individuals heterozygous for two traits that have linked alleles are crossed the expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring is _____.A) 1:1:1:1 B) 1:1 C) 3:1 D) 9:3:3:1 29 When a cross involving mutant genes b and e is done 3% recombinants are observed. When a cross involving mutant genes t and e is done 22% recombinants are observed. When a cross involving mutant genes b and t is done 19% recombinants are observed. What is the correct order of the genes on the chromosome?A) t, b, e B) b, t, e C) t, e, b 30 Mutations increase the amount of variation among offspring.A) True B) False 31 It is estimated that __________ of all flowering plants are polyploids.A) 21% B) 47% C) 68% D) 92% 32 Triploids have _____ of each kind of chromosome.A) one B) two C) three D) four 33 Nondisjunction can occur during meiosis I if _____.A) members of a homologous pair fail to separate B) the daughter chromosomes fail to separate and instead go into the same daughter cell C) both A and B 34 Nondisjunction more commonly occurs during mitosis than during meiosis.A) True B) False 35 When an individual has only one of a particular type of chromosome it's described as _____.A) monosomy B) disomy C) trisomy D) tetrasomy 36 Down syndrome is a _____.A) monosomy B) disomy C) trisomy D) tetrasomy 37 In humans, Turner syndrome _____.A) is a monosomy B) involves the sex chromosomes C) results in a female D) all of the above 38 Nondisjunction can occur during _____.A) anaphase I B) anaphase II C) both A and B 39 A trisomy occurs when an individual has three of _____.A) a particular type of chromosome B) each kind of chromosome C) both A and B 40 A trisomic individual is more likely to survive than a monosomic one.A) True B) False 41 Polyploidy generally results from _____.A) mutation B) hybridization C) nondisjunction 42 Both members of a pair of chromosomes must experience a deletion for abnormalities to occur.A) True B) False 43 A(n) _____ is the movement of a segment of a chromosome from one chromosome to another nonhomologous chromosome.A) inversion B) translocation C) deletion D) duplication 44 When a broken segment from one chromosome attaches to its homologue a(n) _____ occurs.A) duplication B) deletion C) inversion D) both A and B 45 Which of the following may result in abnormal gametes and offspring?A) inversion B) translocation C) deletion D) all of the above 46 The patterns of inheritance that Mendel formulated have no application to the modern study of genetics.A) True B) False 47 Human genes and chromosomes obey the same laws of inheritance that other species obey.A) True B) False 48 Down syndrome that tends to run in the family of either the mother or father is the result of _____.A) deletion B) inversion C) duplication D) translocation 49 Cri du chat syndrome is the result of a(n) _____.A) inversion B) translocation C) deletion D) duplication 50 Inversions don't cause any abnormalities since the same genes are present in the chromosome.A) True B) False 51 Chromosomes may be broken by _____.A) viruses B) radiation C) certain organic chemicals D) all of the above 52 A(n) _____ occurs when a segment of chromosome is turned around 180o.A) inversion B) translocation C) deletion D) duplication 53 A process of _____ followed by different mutations in each gene may be the cause of the presence of several closely linked genes for human globin.A) inversion B) translocation C) deletion D) duplication 54 Somatic cells in humans have __________ chromosomes.A) 23 B) 46 C) 92 55 When a karyotype is done chromosomes are arranged in pairs based on _____.A) size B) shape C) centromere location D) all of the above 56 In human females the sex chromosomes are identical in size, shape and centromere location.A) True B) False 57 A display of the pairs of chromosomes is called a _____.A) pedigree chart B) karyotype C) caricature D) chromosome map 58 Fetal cells can be obtained for diagnostic purposes during _____.A) chorionic villi sampling B) fertilization C) amniocentesis D) both A and C 59 Nondisjunction leading to the birth of a child with an abnormal number of chromosomes occurs only during spermatogenesis.A) True B) False 60 In humans there are _____ pairs of autosomes.A) 22 B) 23 C) 44 D) 88 61 Nondisjunction _____.A) results in gametes with too few chromosomes B) can occur during meiosis I C) can occur during meiosis II D) all of the above 62 The chances of a woman having a Down syndrome child decrease with age.A) True B) False 63 The most common autosomal trisomy among humans is _____.A) trisomy 21 B) trisomy 13 C) trisomy 18 64 Persons with Down syndrome usually have __________ copies of chromosome 21 in their karyotype.A) two B) three C) four 65 Which of the following would be the result of nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes?A) Turner syndrome XO B) Down syndrome trisomy 21 C) Edward syndrome trisomy 18 D) Patau syndrome trisomy 13 66 XYY males are more likely to be criminally aggressive.A) True B) False 67 If an egg with 22 autosomes is fertilized by a sperm with 22 autosomes and an X chromosome, the offspring will be _____.A) female, XO B) female, XXX C) male, OY D) male, XXY 68 Individuals with Down syndrome have three copies of _____.A) the X chromosome B) chromosome 13 C) chromosome 21 D) the Y chromosome 69 Which of the following symptoms of Down syndrome may be associated with the Gart gene?A) leukemia B) mental retardation C) accelerated rate of aging D) cataracts 70 Turner females, XO, are characterized by _____.A) normal breast development B) regular menstrual cycles C) infertility D) none of the above 71 Triplo-X (XXX) individuals are especially feminine.A) True B) False 72 When fragile X chromosomes occur in females the symptoms tend to be less severe than those in males with fragile X.A) True B) False 73 Klinefelter males are characterized by _____.A) two Y chromosomes B) underdeveloped testes and prostate glands C) normal size hands and feet D) all of the above 74 Fragile X syndrome is characterized by _____.A) autism B) delayed speech development C) hyperactivity D) all of the above 75 Jacob syndrome (XYY) is caused by nondisjuction that occurred during _____.A) meiosis I B) meiosis II 76 When Down syndrome tends to run in the family of the father or mother the cause is _____.A) the advanced age of the mother B) a translocation between chromosomes 14 and 21 C) a deletion from chromosome 21 D) duplication of chromosome 18 77 A _____ is characterized by only one of a particular kind of chromosome instead of a pair.A) monosomy B) disomy C) trisomy 78 Fragile X syndrome is characterized by _____.A) an extra X chromosome B) over 230 copies of the base triplet CGG in the fragile X chromosome C) the absence of a Y chromosome D) a normal phenotype 79 Contrary to what occurs with other mutant alleles on the X chromosome, a male can be a carrier for fragile X syndrome.A) True B) False 80 Although both males and females receive the premutation (50-230 copies of the repeat) for fragile X, only the females pass on the full mutation (over 230 copies of the repeat).A) True B) False 81 Which is an X-linked recessive disorder?A) color blindness B) hemophilia C) muscular dystrophy D) all of the above 82 The alleles of most sex-linked genetic disorders are on the _____ chromosome.A) X B) Y 83 X-linked conditions can be dominant or recessive, but most known are dominant.A) True B) False 84 Which of the following is typical of X-linked recessive conditions?A) more males than females are affected B) females can be carriers C) all the sons of a female who has the condition will have the condition D) all of the above 85 The daughters of a man who is color blind and a woman who is homozygous dominant will _____.A) be carriers B) be color blind C) have normal vision D) both A and C 86 If a condition is X-linked recessive condition females must be homozygous recessive to display the condition.A) True B) False 87 Which of the following is on the X chromosome?A) the gene for red-sensitive protein B) the gene for A-antigen on red blood cells C) the gene for the enzyme that breaks down phenylalanine D) the gene for the enzyme hexosaminidase 88 Which of the following is characteristic of Duchenne muscular dystrophy?A) toe walking B) passage of the recessive allele from carrier mother to carrier daughter C) an absence of a protein called dystrophin D) all of the above 89 Since males have only one X chromosome, X-linked recessive disorders are always expressed in males.A) True B) False 90 Queen Victoria was a carrier for hemophilia so her sons had a _____ chance of inheriting the disease.A) 25% B) 50% C) 75% D) 100% 91 The present British royal family does not have any hemophiliacs because Victoria's oldest son, King Edward VII, did not receive the gene and therefore could not pass it on to any of his descendents.A) True B) False 92 Certain traits common in males, like pattern baldness, are controlled by autosomal alleles which are influenced by the sex hormones.A) True B) False 93 Which of the following is true of hemophilia?A) there is only one type of hemophilia B) the affected people only bleed externally after an injury C) more females than males are affected D) the genetic engineering product, factor VIII, can be used to treat hemophilia B