1 Behavior _____.A) is an observable response to environmental stimuli B) has at least a partly genetic basis C) is a coordinate response to environmental stimuli D) all of the above 2 Descriptions of how an animal is biologically organized and equipped to carry out a behavior answers _____ questions asked when studying behavior.A) mechanistic B) survival value 3 Survival value questions are answered by describing how the behavior helps the animal _____,A) exploit resources B) avoid predators C) find a mate D) all of the above 4 Which of the following is a mechanistic question investigators might study?A) What type of chemoreceptors do males have that help them recognize a receptive female? B) What type of courtship dance does the male do to attract females? C) How is a dominance hierarchy established? D) none of the above. 5 Unlike other fields of science, behavior is studied in a subjective manner.A) True B) False 6 The hypothesis that behavior has at least some genetic basis was supported by the hybrid warblers that preferred an intermediate direction of migration rather than the southeast or southwest preference of the parents.A) True B) False 7 Birds navigate during migration by using _____ as compasses to determine direction.A) the sun in the day B) the stars at night C) both A and B D) only A 8 The two systems which integrate the other body systems are the _____.A) nervous and digestive B) skeletal and muscular C) nervous and endocrine D) immune and endocrine 9 Research suggests that the inland population of California garter snake do not eat slugs because they inherit an insensitivity to the slugs' smell.A) True B) False 10 The inland populations of California garter snakes' insensitivity to the slugs's smell answers a _____ question about the behavior of the snakes.A) survival value B) mechanistic 11 Two different populations of the same species may display different behaviors due to genetic differences between the two populations.A) True B) False 12 The endocrine system's production of hormones which integrate body systems is controlled by genes.A) True B) False 13 The egg laying behavior of the sea slug, Aplysia, is inherited since a gene produces an egg laying hormone which promotes egg laying behavior.A) True B) False 14 Survival value questions are answered by describing how the behavior helps an animal exploit resources to avoid predators or secure a mate.A) True B) False 15 Research in humans _____.A) has shown fraternal twins have remarkably similar behavior when raised separately B) has shown fraternal twins have remarkably similar behavior when raised together C) has shown identical twins have remarkably similar behavior when raised separately D) none of the above 16 Data seemed to show that _____ of the differences in human personality traits are due to environmental influence.A) 10% B) 25% C) 50% D) 80% 17 If the nervous and endocrine systems develop abnormally, abnormal behavior should also be expected.A) True B) False 18 Which of the following questions would a researcher interested in survival value questions study?A) What hormones are produced when the female is reproductively receptive? B) Do females choose to mate with more aggressive males? C) Where are the receptors on males for the females' pheromones? D) Where are the neurons that respond to bird song stimulation? 19 Operant conditioning is not a form of learning.A) True B) False 20 The researcher well known for studying operant conditioning is _____.A) Mendel B) Wallace C) Watson D) Skinner 21 The gradual strengthening of stimulus-response connections is associated with _____.A) fixed action patterns B) operant conditioning C) imprinting 22 The researcher best known for his/her research on imprinting is _____.A) Barbara McClintock B) Charles Darwin C) Jane Goodall D) Konrad Lorenz 23 Goslings that had been imprinted on Konrad Lorenz courted humans instead of geese later in life.A) True B) False 24 Imprinting only occurs during a sensitive period of about two to three days after birth.A) True B) False 25 Animals only imprint on their mother.A) True B) False 26 Development of the Laughing Gull chick begging behavior is affected by _____.A) improvement in motor skills B) visual experience C) operant conditioning D) all of the above 27 The use of a reward to elicit a desired behavior is characteristic of _____.A) operant conditioning B) fixed action patterns C) imprinting 28 Fixed action patterns are _____.A) performed differently each time B) elicited by a sign stimulus C) both A and B 29 White-Crowned sparrows will sing only in the dialect in which their parents sang.A) True B) False 30 Human babies that smile when a flat but face sized mask with two dark spots for eyes is brought near them are displaying _____.A) imprinting B) operant conditioning C) a fixed action pattern 31 A male duckling that imprints on a dog will court _____ later in life.A) dogs B) humans C) cats D) geese 32 Which of the following statements about bird songs is true?A) birds that heard no songs at all sang no songs B) birds never sing the songs of another species C) social experience has a very strong influences over the development of singing D) all of the above 33 How may territories be defended?A) fighting B) vocalizing C) displaying D) all of the above 34 Behavioral traits are not subject to evolution.A) True B) False 35 Random mating occurs when sexual selection takes place.A) True B) False 36 Courtship rituals _____.A) identify organisms B) help females choose a mate C) prepare organisms for mating D) all of the above 37 Since females produce few eggs they are choosy about the male with which they will mate.A) True B) False 38 A reproductively favorable trait can become so exaggerated in the male that the reproductive benefit is checked by the trait's unfavorable survival cost.A) True B) False 39 The _____ hypothesis regarding female choice says females choose mates on the basis of traits that are expected to improve the male's chances of survival.A) good genes B) run-away 40 Male barn swallows _____.A) with the longest tails were chosen by females for mating B) had longer tails when they were free of mites C) both A and B 41 Traits that help a male compete for mates have only positive effects.A) True B) False 42 Among baboons _____.A) only dominant males are able to mate with fertile females B) there are separate dominance hierarchies for males and females C) females are fertile the entire time they are in estrus D) all of the above 43 Dominance hierarchies determine which males father the most offspring.A) True B) False 44 Male songbirds identify their territory by _____.A) building a nest B) marking it with chemicals in their urine C) singing D) all of the above 45 When females select among potential mates and males compete among themselves for access to reproductive females _____ selection occurs.A) artificial B) sexual C) natural 46 A disadvantage to being a harem master stag is _____.A) the stag is more likely to die of starvation when food is scarce B) in general the stag has a shorter life C) the stag may be injured during competition with a challenger D) all of the above 47 After studying red deer for many years Clutton-Brock concluded that a harem master can father_____.A) an infinite number of offspring B) about 24 offspring since he is a the peak of his fighting ability for only a short time C) 1-2 offspring since he spends so much energy defending his harem against challengers 48 Communication requires _____.A) a sender B) a behavior that can be influenced C) a receiver D) all of the above 49 The form of communication that is fast and effective both night and day is _____ communication.A) chemical B) auditory C) visual D) none of the above 50 Chemical signals are passed between members of the same species through the production of _____.A) pheromones B) hormones C) neurotransmitters 51 Humans do not produce pheromones and lack a structure with which to detect pheromones.A) True B) False 52 Pheromones are used _____.A) to mark an organism's territory B) to signal reproductive receptivity C) both A and B 53 An auditory message can be changed by modifying the _____ of the communication.A) loudness B) pattern C) repetition D) all of the above 54 Nonhuman primates can be taught to communicate at the same level of humans.A) True B) False 55 When a Laughing Gull chick pecks at the parent's beak to induce feeding behavior _____ communication is being used by the chick.A) chemical B) auditory C) visual D) tactile 56 A waggle dance is used by bees to indicate the _____ a food source.A) direction of B) distance to C) both A and B 57 Allogrooming in primates is used to maintain social bonds within a group.A) True B) False 58 Visual signals are rarely used by nocturnal animals.A) True B) False 59 The spectacular courtship dance of the male Raggiana Bird of Paradise is a form of _____ communication.A) chemical B) auditory C) visual D) b and c 60 Only one form of communication can be used by an organism to deliver a certain message.A) True B) False 61 Pheromones produced by a female moth will be recognized by males of any moth species as well as predators.A) True B) False 62 Group living helps animals _____.A) avoid predators B) rear offspring C) find food D) all of the above 63 In red deer populations _____ are preferable because of the greater number of grandchildren that will result.A) sons B) daughters 64 Disputes over the best feeding places and sleeping sites are often solved by the establishment of a dominance hierarchy.A) True B) False 65 The inclusive fitness of an individual is based only personal reproductive success.A) True B) False 66 Which of the following would be of particular interest to a sociobiologist?A) the fitness benefit a helper gains by protecting and feeding the offspring of a breeding pair B) the pattern of bee movement during the waggle dance C) the intensity of feather color that attracts a mate D) the timing of a sensitive period during which a behavior develops 67 In red deer populations subordinate females tend to rear daughters because _____.A) they don't have access to enough food to nurse sons B) they don't produce eggs with Y chromosomes C) the dominant females are not able to produce females D) daughters are preferable to sons 68 An altruistic organism sacrifices its lifetime reproductive success for the reproductive success of another member of the group.A) True B) False 69 An altruistic female ____.A) only reproduces with the dominant male B) produces as many offspring as her relatives C) only rears daughters D) none of the above 70 The principles of sociobiology do not apply to humans.A) True B) False