1 The tilt of the earth on its axis as it rotates around the sun accounts for _____.A) the seasons of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres B) the absence of seasons at the equator C) both A and B 2 The greatest amounts of rainfall on earth are _____.A) at about 30° north and south latitude B) near the equator C) at about 60° north and south latitude D) near the poles 3 The trade winds are a result of _____.A) variations in solar reception B) the tilt of the earth's axis as it rotates around the sun C) the spinning of the earth on its axis D) none of the above 4 The distribution of biomes in the biosphere is dependent upon _____.A) the distribution of land masses and oceans B) variations in solar radiation reception due to a spherical earth C) topography features D) all of the above 5 The tropics are warmer than temperate regions because the sun's ray are more direct at the equator.A) True B) False 6 The side of the mountain which receives more rainfall is called the _____ side.A) windward B) leeward 7 The Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun during the _____.A) vernal equinox B) winter solstice C) autumnal equinox D) summer solstice 8 The oceans are slower to change temperature than landmasses.A) True B) False 9 The same type of biome can occur in different regions of the world.A) True B) False 10 The biomes savanna and tropical rainforest have a similar _____.A) mean annual precipitation B) mean annual temperature C) both A and B 11 Only tropical or deciduous forests are found at the base of mountains.A) True B) False 12 A biome has ____.A) a characteristic group of animals B) a characteristic group of plants C) specific environmental conditions D) all of the above 13 The pattern of life on earth is primarily determined by climate.A) True B) False 14 Biomes change _____.A) with latitude B) gradually from one type to another C) with altitude D) all of the above 15 If you travel from the equator to the South Pole it is possible to encounter a tropical rain forest, followed by a temperate deciduous forest, a coniferous forest, and tundra.A) True B) False 16 The largest biogeographical units on land are called biomes.A) True B) False 17 A biome with a deep layer of topsoil is a _____.A) tropical rainforest B) cold northern coniferous forest C) temperate grassland D) all of the above 18 The distribution of biomes is influenced by _____.A) soil type B) temperature C) moisture D) all of the above 19 The topsoil of rain forests is rich with nutrients and supports crops for many years.A) True B) False 20 Based on rainfall amounts the tundra is comparable to a _____.A) temperate deciduous forest B) desert C) estuary D) prairie 21 Only a few animals live in the tundra year round.A) True B) False 22 Which of the following is not found in the tundra?A) caribou B) lichens C) musk ox D) pine trees 23 The biome closest to the polar region is the _____.A) savanna B) taiga C) tundra D) shrubland 24 The trees of a coniferous forest are well adapted to the cold.A) True B) False 25 The taiga is typified by _____.A) permafrost that is always frozen B) conifers C) deciduous trees D) a large and varied assemblage of grazers 26 Which is the most complex biome?A) the taiga B) the tropical rain forest C) the temperate deciduous forest D) the tundra 27 Trees of the taiga have adaptations for dealing with the cold like _____.A) needlelike leaves B) leaves and bark with thick coverings C) both A and B 28 Coniferous forests are found _____.A) at the base of mountains B) in southern California C) near the equator D) none of the above 29 The biome south of the taiga is the _____.A) temperate deciduous forest B) savanna C) tundra D) chaparral 30 There is an extensive understory in a coniferous forest.A) True B) False 31 A chaparral is a _____.A) desert B) shrubland C) grassland 32 The northen spotted owl is endemic to _____.A) the desert B) the Pacific coast old-growth forest C) the tropical rainforest D) the grassland 33 A coniferous forest is characterized by _____.A) spruce trees B) maple trees C) oak trees D) all of the above 34 The coniferous forest that runs along the west coast of Canada and the United States is sometimes referred to as a temperate rain forest.A) True B) False 35 Trees which lose their leaves in the fall are characteristic of _____.A) desert B) savannas C) temperate deciduous forests D) shrublands 36 Which of these characterizes a temperate deciduous forest?A) amphibians and reptiles B) plentiful ground life C) lots of leaf litter D) all of the above 37 Enough sunlight penetrates the canopy of a temperate deciduous forest for an understory of trees to survive.A) True B) False 38 The large quantity of leaf litter created in a temperate deciduous forest means _____.A) there will be very few detritivores B) there will be a rich layer of humus C) less energy is lost as heat D) all of the above 39 Which best describes a temperate deciduous forest?A) the seasons are well defined B) there is a very short growing season C) low rainfall D) all of the above 40 The stratification of plant life in a temperate deciduous forest provides a variety of habitats for insects and birds.A) True B) False 41 The biome found in much of Europe is _____.A) chaparral B) desert C) temperate deciduous forest D) grassland 42 A large variety of mammals are supported by a temperate deciduous forest.A) True B) False 43 Most animals live on the ground in a tropical rainforest.A) True B) False 44 The biome with the greatest number of different species is a _____.A) tundra B) tropical rainforest C) savanna D) taiga 45 A plant that grows on another plant is called an _____.A) epicotyl B) epidermis C) epiphyte D) epiglottis 46 A variety of beautifully colored birds is characteristic of a _____.A) tropical rainforest B) tundra C) savanna D) desert 47 Tropical rainforests _____.A) receive a lot of rainfall: >190cm/year. B) experience warm weather year round C) are near the equator D) all of the above 48 The trees in the tropical rainforest _____.A) have broad leaves B) become very tall: 15-50 meters or more C) may be supported by lianas or woody vines D) all of the above 49 All species that reside in tropical rainforests have been identified and classified.A) True B) False 50 Tropical forests in India, Southeast Asia, West Africa, South and Central America have wet and dry seasons.A) True B) False 51 Swiden agriculture (slash and burn) clears land in tropical rainforests which allows crops to be grown for many years after clearing.A) True B) False 52 The soil of a temperate deciduous forest is suitable for agricultural purposes.A) True B) False 53 Shrublands _____.A) recover quickly after a fire B) occur along coasts that receive relatively high rainfall year round C) support a variety of plants and animals D) all of the above 54 The rainfall associated with grasslands is generally insufficient to support trees.A) True B) False 55 The greatest variety and number of herbivores is supported by the _____.A) old-growth forest of the Pacific Coast B) Arctic tundra C) African savanna D) chaparral in California 56 Which of the following adaptations would be displayed by desert dwelling organisms?A) insect development when there is rain B) waterproof outer coverings that conserve water C) small leaves that minimize water loss D) all of the above 57 Lakes have two life zones.A) True B) False 58 Which lake zone does not receive light?A) profundal zone B) littoral zone C) limnetic zone D) benthic zone 59 Animals in the mesopelagic zone are _____.A) carnivores B) herbivores C) both A and B 60 Nutrient-poor and low producing lakes are called _____ lakes.A) oligotrophic B) eutrophic 61 Which of the following statements about lake stratification is true?A) deep lakes are stratified all year round in the temperate zone B) surface waters receive nutrients from deep waters during spring and fall overturn C) the surface layer is called the hypolimnion D) ice formation begins at the bottom 62 Free-drifting photosynthetic microscopic organisms are called _____.A) benthos B) zooplankton C) phytoplankton D) consumers 63 Which of the following is not included in the Benthos?A) clams B) crayfish C) algae D) insect larvae 64 "The nurseries of the sea" is a phrase given to _____.A) estuaries B) coral reefs C) hydrothermal vents D) deep lakes 65 The neritic province of the ocean has a high concentration of organisms because sunlight penetrates the water and there is a high concentration of nutrients.A) True B) False 66 Zooplankton are _____.A) chemosynthetic B) food for larger fish C) producers D) all of the above 67 An estuary has brackish water.A) True B) False 68 The abyssal plain is characterized by _____.A) an absence of living things B) numerous phytoplankton C) hydrothermal vents that support communities of organisms D) a variety of seaweed 69 Corals which feed at night and zooxanthellae which do photosynthesis during the day have a _____ relationship.A) parasitic B) commensalistic C) mutualistic 70 Coral reefs are threatened by _____.A) overfishing B) ocean pollution C) a loss of natural predators D) all of the above 71 Coral reefs are found in _____ waters.A) deep B) tropical C) fresh D) cold 72 Corals form colonies derived from the asexual reproduction of an individual coral.A) True B) False 73 Wetlands are critical because they _____.A) prevent flooding B) provide habitats for fish, waterfowl and other wildlife C) breakdown toxic wastes D) all of the above 74 Animals that burrow and dwell underground for all or part of the day are characteristic of a _____ beach.A) sandy B) rocky 75 Organisms that live on a rocky beach all have a method of securing themselves to a rock on the beach.A) True B) False 76 During an El Niño the warm, nutrient-poor waters don't have their nutrients replenished by the upwelling of the cold nutrient-rich waters.A) True B) False 77 Which of the following is associated with an El Niño -Southern Oscillation?A) drought in India and Africa B) hurricanes on the east coast of the US C) a bountiful Peruvian harvest of anchovies D) all of the above