1 |  |  The “garbology” study conducted by Professor Rathje at the University of Arizona indicated that _______. (p. 300) |
|  | A) | disposable diapers make up 30% of landfill volume. |
|  | B) | most biodegradable items do not breakdown with landfills. |
|  | C) | recyclable items do not make it into most landfills. |
|  | D) | packaging makes up about half of all garbage. |
|  | E) | all of the above |
|  | F) | b and d are correct |
2 |  |  “Waste stream” is a term used to describe the reprocessing of discarded materials into new, useful products. (p. 301) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
3 |  |  Currently, plastics make up over 40% of the total volume of solid waste produced in the United States. (p. 301) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
4 |  |  Although federal legislation prohibits offshore dumping, 60 million cubic meters of dredge spoil are still disposed of at sea. (p. 302) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
5 |  |  Dr. Bullard’s Dumping on Dixie contends that _______. (p. 304) |
|  | A) | the majority of American minorities live near uncontrolled toxic waste sites |
|  | B) | the majority of large commercial hazardous waste landfills are in African American or Hispanic communities |
|  | C) | the EPA takes longer to identify superfund sites in minority communities than it does in white communities |
|  | D) | all of the above |
|  | E) | a and c are correct |
6 |  |  In the process of energy recovery, nuclear waste from spent fuel rods is recycled using specialized incinerators to produce electricity. (p. 305) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
7 |  |  Raw trash has a lower-energy content than refuse-derived fuel because the later has a higher fraction of enriched burnable materials. (p. 305) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
8 |  |  Which of the following materials has the highest rate of recycling in the United States? (p. 307) |
|  | A) | plastic containers |
|  | B) | steel cans |
|  | C) | paper |
|  | D) | glass containers |
9 |  |  What is the name of the process whereby items such as televisions are disassembled and recycled? (p. 308) |
|  | A) | composting |
|  | B) | recycling |
|  | C) | bioremediation |
|  | D) | demanufacturing |
10 |  |  The use of photodegradable plastic can reduce the volume of waste in our landfills because _______. (p. 310) |
|  | A) | it breaks down when exposed to sunlight. |
|  | B) | microorganisms can decompose it. |
|  | C) | it is composed of PET and can be recycled. |
|  | D) | all of the above |
11 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a hazardous waste classification? (p. 311) |
|  | A) | carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic |
|  | B) | fatal to humans in low doses |
|  | C) | irritant |
|  | D) | explosive |
|  | E) | none of the above |
12 |  |  The chief producers of hazardous waste in the United States are the chemical and petroleum industries. (p. 311) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
13 |  |  _______ requires shippers, users, generators, and disposers of hazardous materials to keep records of handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials. (p. 312) |
|  | A) | SARA |
|  | B) | CERCLA |
|  | C) | Toxic Release Inventory |
|  | D) | RCRA |
|  | E) | none of the above |
14 |  |  The Superfund Act authorizes the EPA to contain, cleanup, or remediate abandoned toxic waste sites. (p. 313) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |
15 |  |  Urban areas that cannot be redeveloped due to toxic contamination are called _______. (p. 314) |
|  | A) | permanent retrievable storage sites |
|  | B) | brownfields |
|  | C) | Superfund sites |
|  | D) | sanitary landfills |
16 |  |  Braken fern, bacteria, poplar trees, and mustard are used in _________ because they can clean up toxic sites. (p. 315) |
|  | A) | photodegradation |
|  | B) | bioremediation |
|  | C) | biodegradation |
|  | D) | chemical processing |
17 |  |  Salt mines and bedrock caverns are commonly used as safe, secure landfills where materials do not need to be monitored. (p. 315) |
|  | A) | True |
|  | B) | False |