General, Organic and Biochem
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Revision Changes
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
General, Organic and Biochemistry, 4/e

Katherine J. Denniston
Joseph J. Topping
Robert L. Caret

ISBN: 0072920033
Copyright year: 2004

Revision Changes

Changes in General, Organic, and Biochemistry for the 4th Edition

Denniston, Topping, and Caret

Chapter 1: Chemistry: Methods and Measurement

  • The major change in this chapter was the inclusion of section 1.2 Matter and Properties, which in previous editions was introduced in Ch. 2
  • Some in-chapter and end-of-chapter problems were moved from Ch. 2, leading to 84 problems emphasizing fact, drill, and application

Chapter 2: The Composition and Structure of the Atom

  • This chapter is now much more clearly focused on the composition of the atom, the landmark studies that gave us clues to the arrangement of particles in the atom, and the evolution of atomic theory
  • The chapter is now subdivided into six more manageable sections
  • End-of –chapter problems have been re-categorized
  • 18 new problems added, compensating for those lost due to changes in Ch. 1

Chapter 3: Elements, Atoms, Ions, and the Periodic Table

  • Redesigned the periodic table (Figure 3.1) to make it more informative (coding for symbol, atomic number, and atomic mass)

Chapter 4: Structure and Properties of Ionic and Covalent Compounds

  • Structures of molecules were improved (e.g., see Figures 4.7 and 4.8, and pages 106 and 7)
  • A few more problems were added as well

Chapter 5: Calculations and the Chemical Equation

  • Calculations based on the mole were streamlined a bit, resulting in a slightly shorter and more focused chapter
  • The stoichiometry discussion no longer includes the limiting reactant situation
  • A number of in-chapter and end-of-chapter problems were restructured (see problems 5.63-5.70)

Chapter 6: States of Matter: Gases, Liquids, and Solids

  • No substantial changes to this chapter

Chapter 7: Reactions and Solutions

  • The Clinical Perspective, Oral Rehydration Therapy, was added

Chapter 8: Chemical and Physical Change: Energy, Rate, and Equilibrium

  • New reasoning problems (8.65-8.70) were added to the end of the chapter

Chapter 9: Charge-Transfer Reactions: Acids and Bases and Oxidation-Reduction

  • The first two sections of the chapter were reorganized to emphasize pH, the pH scale, and the fact that it serves as a measurement tool to reveal important facts about a solution
  • Calculator-specific calculations were removed from the chapter as requested by several reviewers
  • The end-of-chapter problems were reordered and retitled, where necessary, to match changes in the chapter
  • Fourteen new questions were added

Chapter 10: The Nucleus, Radioactivity, and Nuclear Medicine

  • Section 10.8 is a blend of sections 8 and 9 in the previous editions
  • The end-of-chapter problems were reorganized and retitled to more closely follow the organization of the chapter and emphasize important topics
  • Problems 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 49, 50, 51, 52, 59, and 60 were added to the end-of chapter problems

Chapter 11: An Introduction to Organic Chemistry: The Saturated Hydrocarbons

  • An Environmental Perspective Frozen Methane: Treasure or Threat?
  • An Environmental Perspective The Petroleum Industry and Gasoline Production
  • A Medical Perspective Chloroform in Your Swimming Pool
  • Examples
  • Example 11.1 Using Different Types of Formulas to Represent Organic Compounds
  • Example 11.3 Drawing the Structure of a Compound using the I.U.P.A.C. Name
  • Art/Figures
  • Page 313 Figure 11.6 New art of conformational isomers of butane
  • Page 315 New art to show boat and chair conformations of cyclohexane
  • Questions/Problems
  • 11.13, 11.14, 11.15, 11.16, 11.35, 11.36

Chapter 12: The Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: Alkenes, Alkynes, and Aromatics

  • An Environmental Perspective Plastic Recycling
  • An Human Perspective Folklore, Science, and Technology
  • A Medical Perspective Killer Alkynes in Nature
  • New Section
  • Section 12.4 Alkenes in Nature
  • Art/Figures
  • Figure 12.3 Many plant products, familiar to us because of their distinctive aromas, are isoprenoids, which are alkenes having several double bonds
  • Questions/Problems
  • 12.9, 12.10, 12.29, 12.30, 12.43-48

Chapter 13: Alcohols, Phenols, Thiols, and Ethers

  • Chemistry Connection Polyols for the Sweet Tooth
  • Questions/Problems
  • 13.1, 13.22, 13.31, 13.32, 13.35, 13.36, 13.63, 13.64

Chapter 14: Aldehydes and Ketones

  • A Medical Perspective That Golden Tan Without the Fear of Skin Cancer
  • Examples
  • Example 14.9 Recognizing Hemiacetals, Acetals, Hemiketals, and Ketals
  • Example 14.10 Yellow highlights to show functional groups in keto-enol tautomers
  • Art/Figures
  • P. 393 Structure of vanillin inset into photo of blossom
  • P. 401, Figure 14.3 Important aldehydes and ketones
  • P. 405, Figure 14.4 Tollens' test
  • P. 407, Figure 14.5 Benedict's test
  • PP. 413-414 Aldol Condensation redone
  • Questions/Problems
  • 14.25-14.36 and 14.41-1.57 Several problems were split into two problems

Chapter 15: Carboxylic Acids and Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

  • A Human Perspective The Chemistry of Flavor and Fragrance
  • PP. 439-441 New section on condensation polymers
  • Questions/Problems
  • The strategy of dividing large problems with may sub-parts into two problems was used to generate a total of 6 "new" problems.

Chapter 16: Amines and Amides

  • A Medical Perspective Semisynthetic Penicillins
  • New Section
  • Section 16.5 Neurotransmitters, pp. 478-483, with accompanying figures
  • Questions/Problems
  • 16.67-16.68

Chapter 17 : Carbohydrates

    New Section
  • Section 17.3 Stereoisomers and Stereochemistry
  • Examples
  • Examples 11.1 and 11.3
  • Art/Figures
  • Figure 17.5 Light as Waves and Polarimeter
  • Questions/Problems
  • 17.23-17.34

Chapter 18: Lipids and Their Functions in Biochemical Systems

  • A Human Perspective Mummies Made of Soap
  • A Clinical Perspective Liposome Delivery Systems

Chapter 19: Protein Structure and Function

  • A Clinical Perspective Proteins in the Blood
  • Art/Figures
  • Figure 19.8 is new art replacing Figure 19.9

Chapter 20: Enzymes

  • A Medical Perspective Alpha1-Antitrypsin and Familial Emphysema
  • A Medical Perspective HIV Protease Inhibitors and Pharmaceutical Drug Design
  • Reversed the order of the first two subsections of Section 20.1
  • Added a subsection to Section 20.9 – "Protein Modification"

Chapter 21 : Carbohydrate Metabolism

  • A Medical Perspective Genetic Disorders of Gllycolysis
  • A Clinical Perspective Diagnosing Diabetes
  • Questions/Problems
  • 21.33-21.43
  • New margin notes pp. 641-645 show relationship of organic chemistry and biochemistry and relate enzyme names to the type of reaction being catalyzed

Chapter 22: Aerobic Respiration and Energy Production

  • A Medical Perspective Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency
  • New margin notes pp. 673-675 show relationship between organic chemistry and the biochemical reactions of the citric acid cycle
  • Questions/Probables
  • 22.37-22.44

Chapter 23: Fatty Acid Metabolism

  • No substantive changes

Chapter 24: Introduction to Molecular Genetics

  • A Medical Perspective A Genetic Approach to Familial Emphysema
  • New Section
  • Section 20.10 The Human Genome Project
  • Section 20.2 Subsection on Chromosomes
  • Art/Figures
  • Figure 24.6, Figure 24.7, Figure 24.8, Figure 24.9, Figure 24.26
  • Questions/Problems
  • 24.75-24.81

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