The McGraw-Hill Interactive Blueprints require that the Macromedia Shockwave 8 Player be installed on your system. If the Blueprint fails to appear, you probably don't have this player installed. To install this player, please go to the Macromedia Shockwave Download site and follow the directions on-screen for proper installation. Linear editing controller (72.0K)
Non-linear editing computer interface (159.0K)Multimedia Player Instructions Review: In the review section roll over parts of the displayed picture to review definitions
Quiz: during the quiz section click on the correct part of the picture to answer the question. Common Controls:PREV: Clicking on this label will take you to the previous Question or Review Section.
NEXT: Clicking on this label will take you to the next Question or Review Section. Quiz: Clicking on this label will take you to the quiz.
Review: Clicking on this label will take you to the start of the Review. |