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Hand Signals
Stand By (103.0K)
Ready to start show
Quiet on the set
Raise hand in air, with fingers pointed upward
You are on! Take your cue (102.0K)
Start talking
Talent is on the air
Point to performer or live camera
Get closer together (145.0K)
Talent, performers or reporters too far apart
Get closer to object of interest
Play an invisible accordion, bringing palms together repeatedly
Get farther apart (144.0K)
Talent too close together
Move hands together, back to back, then spread them sharply apart
Talk to this camera/Camera change (84.0K)
Changing cameras
Swing hands through a wide arc from the camera that is on the air to the camera that will be on the air
Stretch it out/Slow down (197.0K)
Talking too fast
Move hands as if pulling taffy apart or stretching rubber bands
Speed it up (115.0K)
Talking too slow
Running out of time
Move forefinger in circles
OK (81.0K)
All is Well
Your position is fine
Well Done
Stay right there
Form an "O" with thumb and forefinger with other three fingers raised
Five minutes to go (121.0K)
Time cue to end of show
Raise hand with 5 fingers spread apart
Two minutes to go (93.0K)
Raise hand with 2 fingers spread apart
One minute to go (108.0K)
Raise hand with forefinger raised
Half a minute to go (117.0K)
Time cue to end of segment or show
Cross forefingers or forearms at midpoint
Wrap it up (129.0K)
10 seconds left
Come to a conclusion
Rock or shake clenched fist
Cut (133.0K)
Off the Air
Segment or show is over
Mimic slashing of own throat with forefinger or edge of hand