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For Students
GradeSummit is an innovative service that saves you time by helping you focus your study time on the areas you need it most. Using GradeSummit can tell you how much you know before you take an exam- not after. By creating and taking your own GradeSummit quizzes, you can pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses and know what to study to maximize your grade. Try it for free at

For Instructor
GradeSummit is a self-assessment, diagnostic service that helps students make the most efficient use of their study time. This Internet service provides a variety of ways for students to analyze what they know and don't know in order to quickly discover those subject areas where spending study time will help most. GradeSummit reveals subject strengths and weaknesses and provides feedback and direction, which enables students to focus their study time on those areas.

The ability to create automatically-graded quizzes provides a vehicle to you, the instructor, to make accountable homework assignments. GradeSummit's diagnostic reports yield valuable data about student understanding of the course material. With as little as an hour per term you can create graded homework assignments, use a variety of reporting features, download homework scores to use with your existing grade book, and know you've given your students a service they will thank-you for. Try it today at, or for more information contact us at

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