Describe a personal experience with the fight or flight response. Did you describe something big and dramatic, such as a car accident or some traumatic news? What about the times throughout your daily life when you feel anxiety? Describe how even these less dramatic feelings of stress are a result of fight or flight. With such an ingrained physiological response taking place, how is it possible to deal with it? How do you attempt to manage your stressful reactions? For more information on calming your fight or flight response in order to control anxiety, check out www.mindbodymed.com/EducationCenter/fight.html .
What ideas did you gain from the information presented? Do you have a new perspective on the fight or flight response?
Go to www.emory.edu/EDUCATION/mfp/efficacious.html . Explain what you see in terms of self-efficacy.
For further information on self-efficacy, visit www.emory.edu/EDUCATION/mfp/effpage.html where there exists a great deal of good information!
How do you relax? Do you have specific techniques that you employ to calm yourself in times of stress, or do you simply go on with life, waiting for it to dissipate? Go to www.relax-online.com/imageryonline.htm . Try some of the relaxation exercises presented and then write about how effective they were. Is this something you might be willing to bring into your life on a regular basis? Why or why not?
What is biofeedback? In what circumstances is it used? Take yourself through some biofeedback routines at www.ksu.edu/counseling/biofedbk/bfsample.html#RelaxationSample1
Describe your experience.