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affectionate love  Also called companionate love; the type of love that occurs when individuals desire to have the other person near and have a deep, caring affection for the person. p. 688
altruism  An unselfish interest in helping someone else. p. 18
attitudes  Beliefs or opinions about people, objects, and ideas. p. 653
attribution theory  Views people as motivated to discover the underlying causes of behavior as part of their effort to make sense of the behavior. p. 447
bystander effect  The concept that individuals who observe an emergency help less when someone else is present than when they are alone. p. 684
cognitive dissonance  A concept developed by Festinger that refers to an individual's motivation to reduce the discomfort (dissonance) caused by two inconsistent thoughts. p. 653
conformity  Involves a change in a person's behavior to coincide more with a group standard. p. 658
deindividuation  Occurs when being part of a group reduces personal identity and the sense of responsibility. p. 664
discrimination  An unjustified negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply because he or she is a member of that group. p. 672
egoism  Giving to another person to ensure reciprocity, to gain self-esteem, to present oneself as powerful, competent, or caring, or to avoid social and self-censure for failing to live up to normative expectations. p. 683
elaboration likelihood model  States that there are two ways to persuade--by a central route and by a peripheral route. p. 657
ethnocentrism  The tendency to favor one's own ethnic group over other groups. p. 669
fundamental attribution error  The tendency for observers to overestimate the importance of traits and underestimate the importance of situations when they seek explanations of a person's behavior. p. 648
group polarization effect  The solidification and further strengthening of a position as a consequence of a group discussion. p. 664
groupthink  Involves impaired decision making and avoidance of realistic appraisal to maintain group harmony. p. 665
implicit personality theory  The term given to the public or layperson's conception of which personality traits go together in an individual. p. 650
impression management (self-presentation)  Involves acting in a way to present an image of oneself as a certain type of person, which might or might not be who one really is. p. 651
informational social influence  The influence other people have on us because we want to be right. p. 659
normative social influence  The influence that other people have on us because we seek their approval or to avoid their disapproval. p. 659
obedience  Behavior that complies with the explicit demands of the individual in authority. p. 660
prejudice  An unjustified negative attitude toward an individual based on the individual's membership in a group. p. 670
risky shift  The tendency for a group decision to be riskier than the average decision made by individual group members. p. 664
romantic love  Also called passionate love; the type of love that has strong components of sexuality and infatuation and often predominates in the early part of a love relationship. p. 688
self-monitoring  Individuals' attention to the impressions they make on others and the degree to which they fine-tune their performances accordingly. p. 652
self-perception theory  Bem's theory about the connection between attitudes and behavior; stresses that individuals make inferences about their attitudes by perceiving their behavior. p. 655
social facilitation  Occurs when an individual's performance improves because of the presence of others. p. 663
social identity  Refers to the way we define ourselves in terms of group memberships. p. 669
social identity theory  Tajfel's theory that when individuals are assigned to a group, they invariably think of it as an in-group. p. 000
social loafing  Each person's tendency to exert less effort in a group because of reduced monitoring. p. 663
social psychology  The study of how people think about, influence, and relate to other people. p. 21
stereotype  A generalization about a group's characteristics that does not consider any variations from one individual to another. p. 672

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