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Multiple Choice Quiz
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When trying to determine a primary key for and entity, what characteristics of an attribute make an attribute a potential primary key?
A)the attribute should be unique for all instances of an entity
B)the attribute should be stable (not an attribute that changes value over time)
C)the attribute should be single purpose (used for identification of an entity instance, not other purposes)
D)all of the above

When applying the optional 1-M relationship rule for converting an ERD into a relational table design, which of the following statements is true:
A)Each 1-M relationship with 0 for the minimum cardinality on the parent side becomes a new table.
B)The primary key of the new table is the primary key of the entity type on the child (many) side of the relationship.
C)The new table contains foreign keys for the primary keys of both entity types participating in the relationship. Both foreign keys in the new table do not permit null values.
D)All of the above

When applying the M-M relationship rule for converting an ERD into a relational table design, which of the following statements is true:
A)Each M-N relationship becomes a separate table.
B)The primary key of the table is the primary key of the entity type participating in the M-N relationship which has the most attributes.
C)The primary key of the table is a combined key consisting of the primary keys of the entity types participating in the M-N relationship.
D)A and C

For the 1-1 relationship rule, which of the following statements is correct?
A)The 1-1 relationship is converted into two foreign keys.
B)If the relationship is optional with respect to one of the entity types, the corresponding foreign key may be dropped to eliminate null values.
C)The foreign keys must not allow null values.
D)A and B

For the generalization hierarchy rule, which of the following is true?
A)Each entity type of a generalization hierarchy becomes a table.
B)The columns of a table are the attributes of the corresponding entity type plus the primary key of the parent entity type.
C)For each table representing a subtype, define a foreign key constraint that references the table corresponding to the parent entity type.
D)All of the above.

Which of the following should be included in design documentation?
A)decisions that might be unclear to others even if there are no feasible alternatives
B)documentation of inconsistency in a specification
C)documentation of incompleteness in a specification
D)all of the above

When converting the ERD to a relational table, what would be the primary key of the Room table?
B)Building Number
C)The combination of Room_Number and Building_Number
D)None of the above

When converting the ERD to a relational table, what would be the primary key of the RoomAssign table?
C)The combination of Faculty_ID, Room_Number, Building_Number
D)The combination of Faculty_ID, Room_Number, Building_Number, and DateAssigned

When converting the ERD to a relational table, how many attributes with the RoomAssign table have?

Narrative analysis is one method of developing the data model. Which of the following are good techniques to help create the narrative analysis?
A)conducting interviews
B)reviewing documents and system documentation
C)examining existing data
D)all of the above

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