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Chapter Quiz
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1The electrocardiogram:
A)is a graphic representation of the heart's mechanical activity
B)detects, measures, and records the ECG
C)tells us how well the heart is pumping
D)can identify irregularities in the heart rhythm

2Which of the following can be used to identify how well the heart is pumping?
B)blood pressure
D)b & c

3The movement of the heart's electrical impulses toward a positive ECG electrode produces a ________ deflection on the ECG.
A)negative or downward deflection
B)biphasic deflection
C)positive or upright deflection
D)flat line

4The heart is the ____ of the circulatory system.
D)transportation pipeline

5In an average day the heart pumps between _______ liters of blood
A)10,000 and 12,000
B)7,000 and 9,000
C)5,000 and 7,000
D)2,500 and 4,000

6Your heart is:
A)about the same size as your closed fist
B)shaped like an inverted blunt cone
C)located between the two lungs in the mediastinum behind the sternum
D)all of the above

7The top of the heart is called the:

8Which of the following is true regarding the position of the heart?
A)It lies on the diaphragm posterior to the trachea, esophagus, and thoracic vertebrae.
B)About two-thirds of the heart is situated in the left side of the chest cavity.
C)Its apex is directed anteriorly and slightly superiorly at the level of the second intercostal space in the left midclavicular line.
D)The left ventricle is closer to the front of the left chest than is the right ventricle.

9The pericardial sac:
A)is a double-walled closed sac
B)covers the anterior but not the posterior portion of the heart
C)is also referred to as the fibrous pericardium
D)attaches to the surface of the right and left lungs to hold the heart in place

10Which of the following is a function of the pericardial sac?
A)it allows the heart to contract and expand within the chest cavity with minimal friction
B)it insulates the chest wall from the electrical impulses generated by the heart
C)it helps conduct the electrical activity throughout the heart
D)it keeps the heart walls from overstretching during extreme exercise

11The thickest layer of the heart wall is the:

12The myocardial cells:
A)initiate the electrical impulses that normally cause the heart to beat
B)carry the electrical impulses throughout the heart
C)make up just a small portion of the heart's walls
D)contract to propel blood out of the heart's chambers

13The individual myocytes are made up of a small latticework of intricate strands composed of two protein filaments referred to as:
A)intercalated disks and gap junctions
B)syncytium and actin
C)actin and myosin
D)mitochondria and nuclei

14Which of the following is true regarding the structure of the heart?
A)The left ventricle is thicker and more muscular than the right ventricle.
B)The heart is separated into two functional units by the syncytium.
C)The heart has two upper chambers, the ventricles, and two lower chambers, the atria.
D)The atria have thicker walls than the ventricles.

15The ______ valve is located between the left atrium and left ventricle.

16The skeleton of the heart:
A)electrically insulates the atria from the ventricles
B)consists of strong muscular tissue
C)forms soft flexible bands around the AV and semilunar valves providing loose support
D)allows the heart to act as one pump

17The coronary arteries:
A)supply the heart muscle with about half the nutrients and oxygen it needs to sustain it's pumping action
B)carry deoxygenated blood back to the coronary sinus which drains into the right atrium
C)originate from the base of the ascending aorta immediately above the leaflets or cusps of the aortic valve
D)consist of mostly small capillary vessels

18During systole:
A)the heart receives most of its blood supply from the coronary arteries
B)the atria and ventricles fill
C)the pressure within the atria and ventricles falls
D)the atria and ventricles contract

19The amount of blood pumped from the heart in one minute is called the:
A)cardiac output
B)stroke volume
D)blood pressure

20Which of the following is true regarding the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system?
A)The sympathetic nervous system is carried through nerves in the thoracic and lumbar ganglia causing the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
B)It is also is called the adrenergic system.
C)Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system produces what we describe as the vegetative response.
D)Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system produces a slowing of the heart rate and decreased myocardial contractility.

21__________ is the ability of certain myocardial cells to produce an electrical impulse without the need for outside nerve stimulation.

22Which of the following is the order in which an electrical impulse is originated and carried throughout the heart?
A)AV node, intraatrial conductive pathway (Bachmann's Bundle) and the anterior, middle, and posterior internodal tracts, SA node, bundle of His, right and left bundle branches, Purkinje fibers, septal fascicle, anterior fascicle, and posterior fascicle
B)SA node, AV node, intraatrial conductive pathway (Bachmann's Bundle) and the anterior, middle, and posterior internodal tracts, bundle of His, right and left bundle branches, Purkinje fibers, septal fascicle, anterior fascicle, and posterior fascicle
C)Intraatrial conductive pathway (Bachmann's Bundle) and the anterior, middle, and posterior internodal tracts, SA node, AV node, bundle of His, right and left bundle branches, septal fascicle, anterior fascicle, and posterior fascicle, and Purkinje fibers
D)SA node, intraatrial conductive pathway (Bachmann's Bundle) and the anterior, middle, and posterior internodal tracts, AV node, bundle of His, right and left bundle branches, septal fascicle, anterior fascicle, and posterior fascicle, and Purkinje fibers

23Depolarization of the cells:
A)occurs when positive electrolytes move from outside to inside the cell
B)causes the inside of the cell to become more negatively charged
C)is called the resting phase
D)results in the cells returning to a polarized state

24Blood flow returning to the heart from the venous circulation stretches and causes the heart muscle to contract and pump blood.

25The ECG machine detects the heart's electrical current activity through electrodes placed on the patient's skin.

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