Business Law with UCC App
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Retained Features

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Business Law with UCC Applications, 11/e

Gordon W. Brown, North Shore Community College
Paul A. Sukys, North Central State College

ISBN: 0072960574
Copyright year: 2006

Retained Features

· The Opening Case – A brief case opens each chapter and introduces the chapter concepts. Every Opening Case is re-examined throughout the chapter in The Opening Case Revisited.

· Chapter Outcomes – Succinct, crisply written objectives follow The Opening Case at the beginning of each chapter. The objectives describe what the students can expect to learn as a result of completing the chapter.

· A Question of Ethics boxes challenge the student’s understanding of previously discussed chapter examples by asking questions specifically relating to ethical dilemmas.

· Examples are numbered throughout each chapter and use short vignettes to explain how concepts can be applied in real-life situations.

· QuickQuiz boxes follow each numbered section and give students the chance to test themselves with 2 or 3 true/false questions. Answers are provided at the end of each chapter. [Use p. 59, 1st pgs.]

· Questions for Review and Discussion provide a means for students and the instructor to re-examine and discuss the key points of law. All objectives listed at the beginning of each chapter are also reviewed

· Key Terms – Each key term is printed in boldface and defined when introduced in the text. A list of key terms and the page number of first usage appears at the end of each chapter. A glossary of the key terms is provided at the back of the text.

· Investigating the Internet activities encourage students to seek additional information on the internet.

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